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Closing Remarks of SRSG Patten, Commemoration of the 15-year anniversary of the SVC mandate, UNHQ, New York, 23 October 2024

Thank you, Aya, and for moderating this afternoon’s session.

Moving forward, my mandate is placing increasing emphasis on youth engagement and mobilization. Young people are a reservoir of fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a powerful engine of social progress. They are deeply invested in building a future where justice, equality and dignity are not just aspirations, but lived realities.

To deepen our outreach and engagement with youth, I am pleased to announce today the appointment of Ms. Aya Chebbi as our newest Global Champion in the fight to end sexual violence in conflict. In this capacity, Ms. Chebbi, who has previously served as the African Union’s first Special Envoy on Youth, and founded the Nala Feminist Collective, a vast multi-generational alliance aiming to catalyze transformative feminist change, will support the work of the mandate as our youth liaison. Ms. Chebbi is a remarkable advocate and leader, who has mobilized young people from across the globe to effect meaningful change. Aya, I am delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate closely with you as we join forces to build a world and a future free from conflict and sexual violence for all.


Excellencies, Distinguished guests,

As we come to the close of this extremely rich, and often sobering, day of reflection to mark the 15-year anniversary of the mandate, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to each of you for your presence, your insights, and your steadfast commitment to this cause. In particular, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the survivors and frontline advocates for reminding us what is at stake, and for their urgent calls to action.

Allow me to also thank and acknowledge our co-sponsors, the Governments of the DRC, Norway, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States for their unwavering political commitment and leadership.

At this time of great global turbulence, I am reminded of the words of Nelson Mandela, that “hope is a powerful weapon”. Hope is what we must cling to and carry with us, moving forward.

I am deeply encouraged by the words of the representatives of the donor and diplomatic community who have taken the floor today to affirm their commitment to turning the tide and breaking the vicious cycle of violence and impunity. We know that access to justice begins with access to services. I therefore encourage sustained investment in the operational arms of my mandate, namely the UN Action Network and the Team of Experts on the Rule of Law, to enhance their reach and life-changing impact.

This anniversary has provided an important opportunity to step back from our daily work and take stock of progress, challenges and change. Progress is possible, as we have heard from our compelling speakers today, if we act in concert. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Whether you are a survivor, a student, a civil society activist, a UN official, or a government representative, your presence here today is a testament to the power of collective action. Let us carry this momemtum forward to – once and for all – relegate sexual violence to the annals of history.

None of us can rest until every survivor, every civilian, can sleep under the cover of justice. While important strides have been made, there remains a long and winding road ahead. I thank you all for your shared conviction and tireless commitment to this cause, as we strive, in the words of the UN Charter, to save succeeding generations from this scourge.

Thank you.
