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Climate and Heallth Bulletin: Meningitis vigilance zones 27 March - 2 April 2015


Climate conditions are favorable for a high vigilance for meningitis cases over eastern Senegal and Gambia, extreme north of Guinea, extreme south of Mauritania, southern Mali and Niger, the whole of Burkina Faso, extreme north of Nigeria and Cameroon, central south of Chad and southeast Sudan.

Moderate vigilance is detected over western Senegal and Gambia, the whole of Guinea Bissau, southern Guinea, northern Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, central north of Nigeria and Cameroon, south of Chad, extreme south of Sudan, northern South Sudan and CAR, and western Ethiopia .

Low vigilance is observed over western southern Benin, central Nigeria and Cameroon, northwest CAR and southern Sudan.

Climate conditions favorable for the emergence of the meningitis reinforced compared to last week causing 45 deaths out of 354 cases in Niger (Source: Local government) .

OBSERVED CLIMATE SITUATION: 27 th March to 1st April 2015

  • Most of meningitis belt experienced low humidity (below 20%) in particular over eastern Senegal and Gambia, most of Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad, and northwest Sudan. Relative humidity between 20 and 40% prevailed over eastern Gambia and Senegal, southern Guinea, parts of Libya and Egypt, northern Mauritania, central northern Algeria, eastern Sudan and north of Ethiopia. Relative humidity between 40 and 60% was experienced over parts of Morocco, north of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, southern Sudan, parts of Ethiopia, northeast Kenya, central Nigeria and Cameroon. High humidity was observed over the remaining parts of the continent. (Figure 2).

  • Moderate dust concentration (between 200 and 500 µg/m3 ) was observed over parts of Mauritania and Morocco, southeast Mali, most of Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Sudan with peaks of about 2000 µg/m3 over Niger,
    Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria and Chad. (Figure 3).

  • Negative meridian winds were dominant over North Africa and Sahel countries, bordering area Angola-Namibia-Zambia, eastern Zimbabwe, south of Botswana and north of South Africa. (Figure 4).

  • The ITD is located over North Atlantic, Guinea Bissau, northern Guinea, extreme south of Mali, southern Burkina Faso, northern Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, the border between Chad and CAR, and South Sudan. (See figure 2 No. 08 Dekadal bulletin 2015).

Given these climate conditions, a high vigilance is observed for meningitis cases over eastern Senegal and Gambia, extreme north of Guinea, extreme south of Mauritania, southern Mali and Niger, the whole of Burkina Faso, extreme north of Nigeria and Cameroon, central south of Chad and southeast Sudan.

Moderate vigilance is detected over western Senegal and Gambia, the whole of Guinea Bissau, southern Guinea, northern Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, central north of Nigeria and Cameroon, south of Chad, extreme south of Sudan, northern South Sudan and CAR, and western Ethiopia .

Low vigilance is observed over western southern Benin, central Nigeria and Cameroon, northwest CAR and southern Sudan