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Clarification between FSAC's Emergency Livelihoods Assistance and Livelihoods Restoration Activities

Emergency Livelihoods Assistance:-

  • Distribution of Agricultural inputs - staple crop seeds (e.g. wheat, sorghum, maize), vegetable seeds, fertilizers (organic and mineral), farming hand tools etc.

  • Emergency livestock feeding

  • Livestock disease control and cold chain equipment - mass livestock vaccinations, provision of vaccination kits, anti-parasites treatment, concentrates/feeds, ice boxes etc.).

  • Distribution of Poultry inputs (chicks, poultry feed/concentrates etc.)

  • Distribution of fisheries inputs - (fuel, twines, monofilaments, nets, hooks, ice boxes etc.)

  • Livestock Destocking

  • Conditional cash transfers (season specific cash transfers e.g. during hunger gap, cash for work, cash for farm inputs, Food/ Cash for assets e.g. rehabilitation of terraces)

  • Trainings on all the above activities

Livelihoods Restoration:-

  • Distribution of longer term/ perennial crops inputs - e.g. coffee trees, fruit trees, pruning etc.

  • Water supply for farming purposes - drip irrigation sets, distribution of solar water pumps, repair of agricultural water supplies etc.

  • Income generating activities and livelihood skills development- food processing (e.g. pickle making), oil crops extraction (e.g. sesame), agro processing, etc.

  • Livelihoods assets support in rural areas for improved food and agriculture security - e.g. rehabilitation of terraces, rehabilitation of embankments, rehabilitation of water reservoirs etc.

  • Livestock restocking

  • Distribution of beekeeping kits (beehives, honey extractors, blowers etc.)

  • Distribution of fishing boats

  • Green house production

  • Agricultural Small and Micro Enterprise Development

  • Capacity building and formation of farmer/fisher cooperatives/ associations

  • Value chain improvement activities in crops, livestock and fisheries (product, process and value upgrading) on all the phases of the production chain - production, harvesting, processing and marketing

  • Trainings on all the aforementioned activities