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The Checklist on Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response


Following numerous requests from National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, IFRC embarked on this project to develop a Checklist on Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response (DPR Checklist), to support governments, National Societies and other stakeholders with technical assistance for the strengthening of laws relating to DPR, which were not covered in previous tools. The topic of recovery is intended as the subject of future research, and as such is not included here.

The DPR Checklist provides a prioritized list of ten key questions that lawmakers, implementing officials, and those supporting them, such as National Societies, are recommended to consider in order to ensure that their laws provide the best support for DPR. It covers not only dedicated DRM laws but also other sectoral laws and regulations that are critical for managing essential functions such as institutional arrangements across different levels of government, finance and resource management, legal facilities and protection.

This Checklist is supported by a Global Synthesis Report on Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response (Synthesis Report), which provides the detailed legal basis and practical examples which form the basis of the Checklist questions.