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CARE International Annual Report FY16



Around the world, CARE celebrated its anniversary in 2016, remembering that day 70 years ago when the first CARE Packages arrived in Europe, bringing food and other essential survival supplies.

Today, a CARE Package looks very different.

Our humanitarian response brings aid to the most vulnerable, mostly women and girls, working closely with them to assess and deliver what they need and supporting the resilience of communities to withstand future shocks. We empower people: village savings and loan associations offer women a chance to become self-sufficient, entrepreneurial and economically successful. This ambition is supported by work in our other key programme areas: on sexual, reproductive and maternal health, and on food and nutrition security to help buffer the poor against the destructive impacts of climate change and other hardships.

Our anniversary year was also one in which we celebrated the partnerships that make all these achievements possible, and the donors, advocates and supporters who help us go from milestone to milestone. In FY 16, CARE again spent 85 per cent of income on projects and initiatives that directly benefited people most in need. We are proud that we reached over fifteen million more people than we did the previous year – a total of over 80 million worldwide. This is how we know that eradicating poverty, achieving equal rights for all people and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals are possible.

We aim to grow our influence and revenue so that we can reach the most marginalised, and support women’s and girls’ equal rights as a key avenue for getting there. To do so, we need your continued support. We hope you will be inspired by this report, not just by the numbers, but by the stories from real people around the world whose voices give us the impetus to persist.

We are proud and thankful to have you on our side, as supporters, friends and allies.

Dr. Wolfgang Jamann,

Secretary General and CEO