Climate change contributes to instability and vulnerability in many parts of the world and requires a more coherent and coordinated international response in violent conflict-affected contexts.
Justine Chambers & Helene Maria Kyed
A dedicated funding platform within current global finance agreements that allows for higher risk tolerance, more flexible operational protocols and the integration of climate, peace and security expertise could help enhance climate action in violent conflict-affected states.
Increased collaboration between climate-development, peace and humanitarian sectors can help ensure that conflict-sensitivity and peace dividends are built into climate programming.
Localisation of climate funding with direct support to civil society groups is essential to reach vulnerable populations in violent conflict-affected states, including in areas controlled by non-state armed groups.
The UN Security Council can help to place climate change action in violent conflict-affected states high on the global agenda.
Countries affected by violent conflict are among the most vulnerable to climate change yet receive an extremely low share of global climate financing. This is despite the fact that most UN member states now recognise the interlinkages between climate change and violent conflict. The UN’s New Agenda for Peace also highlights ‘climate, peace and security’ as a crucial policy area. Upgrading climate change support to vulnerable populations in violent conflict-affected areas necessitates substantial changes to global climate financing. This is supported by the COP28 declaration on “Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace”, signed by 82 UN member states, including Denmark, which also calls for enhanced conflict-sensitivity and more funds for local organisations.