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CARE Asia Impact Report 2005 - 2010


November 13, 2012 -- CARE recently launched the Asia Impact Report which provides a review of the impact of CARE’s work in Asia from 2005 to 2010.

The report shows the positive and significant impact CARE’s work has had on the lives of millions of poor people in Asia and provides greater accountability to CARE’s supporters.

Key report findings show that CARE programs:

  • Reached 10 million people through food and nutritional security projects, including reducing average malnutrition rates by 21.5 per cent in target communities in Bangladesh, India and Nepal, benefiting more than two million children

  • Addressed income poverty for nine million people, including increasing the average annual income of almost 2.7 million people on average by 117 per cent in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Vietnam

  • Benefited two million people through education projects, which contributed to raising overall primary enrolment rates on average by 74 per cent for target communities in Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Nepal and Timor-Leste

  • Provided emergency relief to more than 4.3 million people including shelter, water and sanitation, food and health support

Dr Newton-Howes, CEO of CARE Australia, said ‘In addition to the significant changes achieved across the Asia region, this report informs CARE’s continuous improvement approach, particularly around enhancing our measurement systems. The report also validates forward directions that CARE is already taking, including our current shift to long-term programming. This approach allows us to develop a 10 to 15 year vision of the impact required to meet the needs of poor and vulnerable communities, and target our projects accordingly.’

The publication reflects CARE’s commitment to understanding and measuring impact and being accountable to the societies in which it works, and the donors who make our work possible.

To arrange interviews, please contact CARE Australia Media Advisor Laura Hill at 0419 567 777