Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


Announcing this year's Deloitte Humanitarian Innovation Program

Through the Deloitte Humanitarian Innovation Program, the professionals of Deloitte member firms and humanitarian organizations will co-create and implement solutions to the sector's most pressing challenges. By collaborating with local, national, and international humanitarian leaders – combining our diverse skills and expertise – we will enhance the ability of the sector to prepare for, and respond to, crises.

Be prepared for new ways of thinking. Be prepared for new degrees of collaboration and innovation. Be prepared for positive change.

The second year of the Deloitte Humanitarian Innovation Program will launch on 9 June. Please register here to join an informational webinar on the Program. From that date, application materials and guidance on how your organization can participate will be available to download from this site. The application process will close on 18 July.

If your organization wishes to apply, why not start thinking about ideas for your proposal now? This is a unique opportunity to leverage the core business skills of Deloitte member firm professionals to support your organization, on a pro bono basis.

The idea proposed in the application must:

Be innovative and supported by the applicant organization’s senior leadership

Support preparedness and readiness for humanitarian crises

Address a strategic issue for the applicant organization, and this issue should be one that is similarly faced by organizations across the humanitarian sector

Enable the development of a solution with Deloitte member firm support, which can be shared with many humanitarian organizations

Participants selected in 2013

In 2013, Deloitte selected AtrocityWatch and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to work with on a pro-bono basis as part of the Deloitte Humanitarian Innovation Program.

At Deloitte, we are committed to shaping innovations which are at the heart of change and progress. The projects proposed by these two organizations were selected from a large number of applicants as outstanding examples of all that the Deloitte Humanitarian Innovation Program aims to achieve.

Deloitte professionals are working with AtrocityWatch to help shape the development of a mobile enabled solution which will use person driven data from around the world to provide early warning of potential mass atrocities.

To help the International Organization for Migration more efficiently respond to crises, professionals from Deloitte Switzerland and IOM are working together to improve co-ordination of response on the ground and inter-agency information management.

Once these projects are complete, Deloitte will share the ideas and solutions developed so that the whole humanitarian sector can benefit from and scale them.

To learn more:

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