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Aga Khan Development Network and the Japan International Cooperation Agency Deepen Partnership in Asia and Africa

Please also see: First MicroFinance Bank Pakistan and JICA Sign Agreement to Expand Access to Finance in Pakistan

Tokyo, 8 March 2012 -- The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed an agreement today to deepen and widen their partnership in international development.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Tokyo by Mr. Aly Nazerali, the Aga Khan Foundation's CEO and AKDN's Senior Advisor on Policy and Institutional Relations, and Mr. Masato Watanabe, Vice President of JICA.

"Because JICA and AKDN's operations complement each other, working together makes the best use of our available resources and expertise and extends the impact and reach of our joint programmes," said Aly Nazerali.

"We share common thinking and approaches on how we operate, and this new partnership reflects a shared commitment in areas where we can work together most effectively," said Masato Watanabe.

The MOU commits the two agencies to work together towards sustainable development and equitable growth, particularly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and neighbouring countries, as well as Eastern and Western Africa.

AKDN and JICA already collaborate in development programmes in the Tajikistan-Afghanistan border areas and are preparing programmes that jointly support microfinance in Pakistan. Under the new partnership, the two agencies have agreed to further enhance cooperation in sectors such as agricultural development, education, energy, financial sector development and microfinance, health and infrastructure.

For more information about JICA, please see the website:

For AKDN press enquiries, please contact:

Sam Pickens
Aga Khan Development Network
1-3 Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 22 909 72 00 Facsimile: +41 22 909 72 91