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Addendum to the Emissions Gap Report 2021: Preliminary assessment of the impact of new or updated NDCs, other 2030 pledges and net-zero emissions pledges announced or submitted since the cut-off dates of the Emissions Gap Report 2021


This note provides a preliminary assessment of the implications of the new or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs), other 2030 mitigation pledges and net-zero announcements made after the cut-off dates used in the Emissions Gap Report 2021. More specifically, the following aspects are assessed:

  1. The projected global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2030, assuming full implementation of mitigation pledges for 2030, including NDCs and other pledges.

  2. The implications for the emissions gap for 2030.

  3. An update on net-zero emissions pledges, with a focus on G20 members.

  4. Implications for estimated global warming at the end of the century under current policies, 2030 pledges and net-zero scenarios.

The potential impacts of additional sectoral and non-state pledges made during the first week of COP26 are not considered in this update. First, several of these are global announcements rather than national pledges and therefore they cannot be attributed to individual countries. Second, analyses of previous Emissions Gap Reports have demonstrated that there can be significant overlap between such announcements and what is covered as part of national mitigation pledges for 2030.

Read the full Emissions Gap Report here.