Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) enable humanitarian partners operating in countries affected by natural disasters and armed conflict to deliver timely and effective life-saving assistance.
CBPFs are established by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) when a new emergency occurs or when an existing humanitarian situation deteriorates.
Contributions from donors are collected into single, unearmarked funds to support local humanitarian efforts. The 18 CBPFs that were active in 2019 received US$956 million.
Funds are directly available to a wide range of relief partners at the front lines of the response through an inclusive and transparent process in support of priorities set out in crisis-specific Humanitarian Response Plans.
This ensures that funding is available and prioritized at the local level by those closest to people in need, empowering humanitarian leadership and fostering collaboration and collective ownership of the emergency response.
CBPFs support the delivery of an agile response and encourage effective and efficient use of available resources. They help to minimize transaction costs and provide transparency and accountability with recipient organizations thoroughly assessed and projects monitored with regular reporting on achievements.
CBPF allocations are designed to complement other humanitarian funding sources, such as the Central Emergency Response Fund and bilateral funding.
CBPFs are locally managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator and in consultation with the humanitarian community. Advisory Boards oversee the Funds, providing advice on key decisions, and ensuring efficient and effective management. At the global level, the Pooled Fund Working Group brings together key stakeholders (representing donors, NGOs and UN agencies) to provide policy guidance.
Funding from CBPFs is directly available to UN agencies, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Red Cross/ Red Crescent organizations.
In 2019, CBPFs allocated more than $817 million to 708 partners in 18 countries to support 1,390 critical humanitarian projects. These projects targeted millions of people with healthcare, food aid, clean water, shelter and other life-saving assistance.
The highest amounts were allocated in Yemen ($139.6 million), Syria Cross border ($81.5 million), South Sudan ($79.9 million). Allocations in support of people affected by the crisis in Syria totaled $139.9 million through funds in Jordan ($4.6 million), Lebanon ($11 million), Syria ($42.9 million) and Syria Cross border ($81.5 million).
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit