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60+ NGOs urge Congress to support supplemental humanitarian assistance

As Members and partners of InterAction, the largest alliance of U.S.-based NGOs that implement and advocate for U.S. humanitarian, health, development, and democracy programs, we welcome the inclusion of more than $10 billion in humanitarian assistance in the Senate’s supplemental package to address global needs.

While not endorsing the bill in its entirety, we appreciate the bipartisan recognition that supplemental humanitarian assistance is necessary and prudent, and we urge all members of Congress to support this funding to address humanitarian needs. We also acknowledge concerning policy provisions included in the supplemental package that impact the lives of people we work with and require additional analysis and debate.

Global humanitarian needs are at near record high as conflict, hunger, and displacement impact countless lives around the world. These supplemental funds will save lives, demonstrate U.S. leadership, and foster a more secure world; nevertheless, they cannot be a substitute for strong, consistent base appropriations.

We look forward to continuing to work with Congress to protect supplemental humanitarian and development assistance in Fiscal Year 2024 and to engage productively on additional policies that impact the lives of people all over the world.

Accelerate Global

Helvetas USA


Humanity & Inclusion

Action Against Hunger


ADRA International

iMMAP Inc.

Alliance to End Hunger


American Jewish World Service

International Medical Corps


International Relief Teams

Basic Education Coalition

Life for Relief and Development

Bethany Christian Services

Management Sciences for Health


Medical Teams International

Bread for the World

Mercy Corps

Brother’s Brother Foundation

Millennium Water Alliance


ONE Campaign

Catholic Relief Services

Opération USA

Church World Service

Physicians for Peace

Concern Worldwide U.S.

Plan International USA

Congressional Hunger Center

Planet Aid

Corus International

Project HOPE

Doctors of the World USA

Relief International


ReSurge International

Embrace Relief

Syrian American Medical Society

FHI 360


Food for the Hungry

Tearfund USA

Global Campaign for Education-US


Global Communities

Village Enterprise

Global Health Council

Water for South Sudan

Habitat for Humanity International


Heart to Heart International

World Food Program USA

Heifer International

World Learning

HelpAge USA

World Vision

Zakat Foundation of America