Dear Under-Secretary-General Lowcock,
The below 553 concerned agencies are calling for urgent action to make gender-based violence (GBV) a key response priority of humanitarian response plans, moving to action the commitments of the “End SGBV Conference,” the Call to Action on Protection from GBV in Emergencies, and beyond. As you have said, “the world’s humanitarian agencies do a good job in saving lives and reducing suffering among people caught up in conflict. But we do not do a good enough job for women and girls.” Our collective response to COVID-19, which is exacerbating the violence that millions of women and girls are facing in humanitarian settings, is an opportunity to correct that. However, this issue currently remains under-funded and underprioritized.
The pandemic of violence faced by women and girls The COVID-19 pandemic and the movement and contact restrictions put in place to mitigate the spread of the virus are creating the conditions for the dramatic escalation of violence against women and girls, which were already at pandemic proportions. Ongoing protection monitoring and case management data lays bare the parallel pandemic of violence against women and girls:
37% of women and girls, out of a total of 250, reported feeling less safe since the COVID-19 lock down in Lebanon;
Venezuela reported a 65% increase in femicides in April 2020 compared to April 2019;
In Zimbabwe, the national GBV Hotline reported an increase of over 70% from prelockdown trends;
In Somalia, there was a rapid rise in reports of FGM perpetrated against girls.
What do we risk if we fail to address the violence against women and girls?
If we fail to declare GBV response services as “essential,” keep them accessible to women and girls, prioritize personal protective equipment (PPE) for GBV responders so they can safely keep working, ensure women-led and women-focused local organizations are funded directly, and ensure accountability to women and girls in the humanitarian response to COVID-19, we put lives at risk.
Beyond that immediate threat, we risk undermining years of work to empower women and girls in emergencies and the progress made for gender equality; women and girls will feel the fallout of this pandemic long after a vaccine has been developed and the world’s economies have recovered. GBV experts project that for every three months the lockdown continues, an additional 15 million women and girls could experience GBV and that an additional 13 million child marriages could take place that otherwise would not have occurred between 2020 and 2030.
Lifesaving GBV programming is notoriously underfunded, even more so than other sectors.
Analysis of the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) suggests this pattern is being replicated in the COVID-19 response. In the funding requests for the May update of the GHRP, GBV programming represented less than 1% of the overall COVID-19 funding appeal; as of June 23, only 8% of this very small appeal had been funded.
What needs to happen?
We welcome that the overall language on the needs of women and girls and increased protection concerns has been significantly strengthened in the second iteration of the GHRP. To ensure commitments translate into action and the humanitarian response accounts for the safety of women and girls to the extent necessary, the undersigned organizations call on UN OCHA to strengthen the GHRP by:
1.Including a standalone specific objective on GBV1 and corresponding indicators in the monitoring framework, to ensure the protection of women and girls becomes a benchmark for the success of the overall response.
2.Making the collection and use of at least sex, age and disability disaggregated data mandatory, to inform decision making in all areas of the response; this should include disaggregating by stages of development for children and youth (ages 10-14; 15-19).
We also call on UN OCHA to operationalize rhetorical, policy and financial commitments, including those made during the “Oslo End SGBV Conference,” to ensure GBV is a key priority at field and country level including through the GHRP country annexes, as well as to capitalize on this prioritization through the Humanitarian Needs Overview/Humanitarian Response Plan (HNO/HRP) process for 2021 and increased funding levels for GBV from the Central Emergency Response Fund and Country Based Pooled Funds for 2021.
Without these steps, we as a global community cannot claim to be centering the needs of women and girls in the COVID-19 response and we jeopardize its overall success.
1.0to19: Dasra Adolescents Collaborative
2.28 Too Many
3.ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality
4.Action Against Hunger
5.Action for Behavioural Change
6.Action for Development in Underserved Areas (ADUA)
7.Action for Women and Awakening in Rural Environment (AWARE-Uganda)
8.Action for Women and Children Concern (AWCC)
9.Action for Youth Development Uganda (ACOYDE)
10.Action on Behavioural Change
12.ActionAid Haiti
13.ActionAid Ireland
14.ActionAid Liberia
15.ActionAid Uganda
16.Active Voices
17.Advocacy, Research, Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation
18.Advocates for Youth
19.AFORD Foundation
21.African Center For Refugees In Ontario Canada
22.African Movement of Working Children and Youth (AMWCY)
23.African Partners for Child Poverty - APPCO
24.African Women's Development and Communication Network - FEMNET
25.African Youth Development Link
26.Agape AIDS Control Program
27.Agape of Hope female youth development association
28.Agencia Española Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
29.Ahfad University for Women
30.AIDS-Free World
31.Akina Mama wa Afrika
32.Aliansi Remaja Independen, Indonesia
33.Alianza por la Solidaridad
34.ALIGHT (Formerly American Refugee Committee International)
35.Allied Youth Initiative - Uganda
36.Amani Initiative
37.Amara Hub
38.American Jewish World Service
39.Amuria Youth Alliance Development Organization (AYADO)
40.Angels in the Field
41.Anglican Children's Programme
42.ANTODAYA Thuamul Rampur, Kalahandi, India
43.Arjon Foundation
44.AROHI-Association of Rural Opportunity and Human Initiative.
45.Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela. Subcomisión de Igualdad y Equidad de Género.
46.Asante Africa Foundation
47.ASHRAY/ State Name -- Jharkhand
48.Asociacion de Mujeres Defensoras de la Vida (AMDV)
49.Asociación de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales Girasoles Nicaragua
50.Asociación Por Ti Mujer
51.Association for Social and Human Awareness (Jharkhand)
52.Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers
53.Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria
54.Association Paysans Vallue, Haiti
55.Aura Freedom International/Canada
58.Baku Volunteer Center
59.Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR)
60.Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament (Protiki Jubo Sangsad)
61.Barasat Unnayan Prostuti
62.Barisal Unnyon Sangstha ( BUS
63.Bella Foundation for Child and Maternal Care.
64.Beyond Mentors Community Care Initiative
65.Bihar pradesh yuva parishad (BPYP)/ Jharkhand
66.Bihar Voluntary Health Association
67.BRAC Bangladesh
68.BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC UNIVERSITY
69.BRAC International
71.Breakthrough Trust
72.BRIDGE Innovation in Learning Organisation ("BRIDGE")
73.Burundi Child Rights Coalition (BCRC)
75.CAMFED : Campaign for Female Education
76.Care and Development Centre, Rivers State Nigeria
77.CARE Honduras
78.CARE International
79.CARE Nepal
80.Catalina Toro Pérez
81.Center Alternative of the Human rights movement: Bir Duino-Kyrgyzstan
82.Center for Development Research Enlightenment and Advocacy
83.Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
84.Center for Initative Against Human Trafficking (CIAHT-GHANA)
85.Center for Strengthening Community Voices-CSCOV South Sudan
86.Center of Concern
87.Center Women and Modern World
88.Centre Against Gender Based Violence
89.Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement Durable et l'Epanouissement des Sociétés (CRADDES), Republic of Benin
90.Centre for Adolescent Reproductive Health (CEFARH)
91.Centre for Communities Education and Youth Development (CCEYD)
92.Centre for Community Relief and Development, Malawi
93.Centre for Conflict Management and Women Development Affairs (CECOWDA)
94.Centre for Economic Social Cultural Rights in Africa (CESCRA)
95.Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)
96.Centre for Social Concern and Development (CESOCODE) Malawi
97.Centre for Social Research, India
98.Centre for the Development of Rural Women
99.Centre for the Study of Adolescence
100.Centre for Women’s Development and Research
101.Centre for Youth and Children's Affairs
102.Centro d Capacitación Siloe
103.Centro de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Central de Venezuel
104.Centro de Estudios de la Mujer Honduras
105.Centro de Justicia y Paz - Cepaz
106.Centro de Promocion de La Mujer del Norte.-CEPROMUN
107.CHAF U Ltd
108.Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development - Zambia
109.Chiedza Child Care Centre
110.Child and Youth Protection Foundation
111.Child Awareness Project
112.Child Rights Empowerment and Development Organization (CEDO)
113.ChildFund Alliance
114.ChildHope UK
115.Children on the Edge
116.Chitani Community Sustainable Development Organization
117.CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
118.Christian Aid Ireland
119.CISE Malawi
120.Clearinghouse on Women's Issues
121.Closet de SorJuana
122.Coalition of Feminists for Social Change (COFEM)
123.CODES Ongd (Coopérative pour le Développement et l'Encadrement Social)
124.Colectivo "Género y Teología para el Desarrollo" - Bolivia
125.Collectif des Femmes Journalistes CFJ/BUTEMBO/ NORD-KIVU/RDC
126.Colors of Connection
127.Community Action to Achieve Prosperity Trust (CAAP)
128.Community Association of Women and Children with Disabilities (CAWCD)
129.Community Centre for Integrated Development
130.Community Development Foundation
131.Community Forum (COFO) in Malawi
132.Community Health Access Foundation Uganda Ltd
133.Community Initiatives for development in Pakistan CIDP
134.Community Teen Foundation
135.Concern Worldwide
136.Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA)
137.Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD)
138.Creative Institute Nepal (CIN), Province 5, Nepal
139.CULP - Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials
141.Dawn Development Organization
142.Dbegotin Educational Foundation
143.Deaf Women Included Zimbabwe
144.Dear Little Sister Foundation
145.Defensoría del Pueblo
146.Development Conceptm, Malawi
147.Development Expertise Centre
148.Dilasha Aviyan (or, Console Mission)
149.Dining for Women
150.Dr. Purabi's Help Desk
152.Dynamic Youth Development Organisation
153.Economic Empowerment and Human Rights Sierra Leone (EEHRSL)
154.Educate Girls
155.Education as a Vaccine
158.Elshaddai Rural Health and Development Foundation(ERHDF)
159.End Violence Partnership
160.Enforcement of Patients' and Health Workers' Rights (EPHWOR)
161.Environmental Conflict Mediation and Women Development Initiative
162.Equality Rights Alliance
163.FACES Pakistan
164.Fahma Community Development Organization FCDO
165.FEDA (Femmes et Éducation des Adultes)
166.Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia
168.Femmes en Danger
169.FHI 360
170.Flying Broom Women Communication and Research Association
171.FOKUS - Forum for Women and Development
172.For Girls GLocal Leadership (4GGL)
173.Forum for the Development of Young People
174.Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities (FDYD)
175.FORWARD (Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development)
176.Foundation for Chldren's Rightsi
177.Foundation for Women in Development-Rwenzori
178.Fountain of Hope (FOHOP)
179.Friends of Terre des Hommes, New Jersey
180.Fundacion Arcoiris por el Respeto a la Diversidad Sexual
181.Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer
182.Fundación Unidas: Mujeres Construyendo Tejido Social
183.Future Generations International (FUGI), Volta Region, Ghana , West Africa
185.Gender and SRHR Consultancy of Rahel Beigel
186.Gender Equality Observatory
187.Gender Violence Recovery Centre
188.Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network(GIWYN)
189.German Federal Foreign Office
190.Girl- Child Right Awareness Initiative in Africa/Abuja
191.Girl Move Academy
192.Girl Rising
193.Girl Up Initiative Uganda
194.Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership To End Child Marriage
195.Girls Rising Malawi
196.Girls to Lead Africa
197.Girls United for Human Rights
198.Giving Women
199.Global Agent for Change Foundation (formally Christ Chariot Foundation, Ghana, Western Region)
200.Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights
201.Global Communities
202.Global Health Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF)
203.Global Initiative for Girls Rights Education and Empowerment
204.Global Justice Center
205.Global Media Foundation
206.Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
207.Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation
208.Global Women's Institute
209.GOAL International
210.Good Health Community Programmes
211.Government of Ireland
212.Gram Chetna Kendra
213.Grameen Vikas Shodh Avam Takniki Kendra Pachewar (TONK)
214.Grandmother Project - Change through Culture
215.Grandmothers Advocacy Network
216.Green Institute
218.Grupo de Investigacion en Población, Ambiente y Desarrollo (GPAD)
219.Guttmacher Institute
220.Hagancatwright Organization
221.Hakizetu Tanzania
222.Halley Movement Coalition
223.Hamdam Development Organization
224.Hami DajuVai, Nepal
225.HAQ: Centre for Child Rights, New Delhi, India
226.Hare Child Opportunity Eastern and Northern Uganda (SCOEN)
227.HEALDS, Tamilnadu, India
228.Health and Human Rights Info
229.Heartland Alliance International
233.Hope Beyond Foundation
234.Hope of Young Mothers Development Initiative
235.Hope Restoration South Sudan
236.Hope Revival Organization/Turkey
237.Human Health Aid Burundi
238.Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley
239.Human Rights Watch
240.Humanity & Inclusion
241.HURDS Foundation
242.HWA Foundation, Pakistan
244.Independent Yemen Group
245.INMAA Organization for Development
246.Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP)
247.Integrated Women and Children's Development Activities (IWCDA)
248.Integrated Youth Empowerment Center (IYEC)
249.Inter-Confessional AIDS Network (INTERNAP) Cameroon
250.International Action Network for Gender Equity & Law
251.International Center for Accelerated Development
252.International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI)
253.International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)
254.International Federation on Ageing
255.International Medical Corps
256.International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
257.International Planned Parenthood Federation
258.International Rescue Committee
259.International Women’s Fund Azerbaijan
260.International Women's Development Agency (IWDA)
261.IPPF South Asia Regional Office
262.Irish Red Cross
263.Islamic Relief Worldwide
265.JAGO NARI (Fighting For Women Empowerment)
266.Jan Lok Kalyan Parishad
267.Jan Sarokar
268.Jharkhand Gramin Vikas Trust
269.Joy for Children - Uganda
270.Joy Initiatives Uganda (JOYI Uganda)
271.Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP)
272.Kafka Welfare Organization
273.Kakenya's Dream
274.Kapilvastu Integrated Development Services (KIDS)
275.Kenya Muslim Youth Development Organization
276.Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA)
277.Khairat Alnahraeen of Human Organization
278.Kingdom of Denmark
279.Kiruhura Women Development Agency
280.Kitenikinae Community Based Organization
281.KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable People's Development Organization)
283.Ladder for Rural Development Organization
284.Last Mile4D
286.Liberian Women Empowerment Network (LIWEN)
287.Life Concern
288.Life Nepal
289.Link Community Development International
290.Lok Kalyan Seva Kendra (Jharkhand)
291.Loo Niva Child Concern Group
292.Lorna Mlofana Parents Movement
293.Lower Cell Poultry Farmers Association
295.Madzimawe Foundation
296.Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development (MSD)
297.Mahila Jan Adhikar Samiti
298.Mahila Margadarshi (Andhra Pradesh, India)
299.MAIA (Guatemala)
300.Manusher Jonno Foundation
301.Marsabit Women Advocacy and Development Organization
302.Medecins du Monde Suisse
303.MEERA Foundation
304.MEMPROW - The Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women
305.MenEngage Alliance
306.Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
307.Misean Cara
308.Mission Planet Green
309.Mission with a Vision Organization
310.Morogoro Saving the Poor Organization (MOSAPORG)
311.Mother of Hope Cameroon( MOHCAM)
312.Movimiento de Mujeres Visitación Padilla
313.Mpigi Women with Disabilities Association
314.Msichana Initiative Organization (MIO)
315.MUB - Home Foundation
316.Murna Foundation
317.Muslim Family Counselling Services
318.NARI Foundation Pakistan
319.National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
320.National Advocacy for Rights of Innocent (NARI) Foundation
321.Network for Community Development
322.Network for Empowerment of Women and Girls (NEWAG) Zimbabwe
323.Network Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (NMDHR)
324.New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY)
325.New Light
326.Niger Delta Abia Empowerment Society
327.Nirengi Association
328.Nkuzi Development Association
330.Norwegian Church Aid
332.Nyanza Initiative for Girls Education and Empowerment
333.Observatorio de Género y Equidad
334.OIFM: L'Organisation Internationale des Femmes du Millénaire.
335.Olive Community Development Initiatives
336.One Voice Initiative For Women and Children Emancipation
338.Orchid Project
339.Organisation des Femmes Solidaires OFASO
340.Organización Intibucana de Mujeres Las Hormigas
341.Organization for Community Development
342.Organization for Devepment and Peace-Pakistan
343.Organization for Women and Children
344.Organization of People Empowerment (OPE)
345.Outlook Humanitarian Care Initiative
347.Oxfam in Nepal
348.P&D Factor - Ass.para a Cooperação sobre Põp e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
349.PA Women's Organization Alga
351.Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization
352.Panjab University
353.Parental Care Liberia, Inc.
355.PCI, a Global Communities Partner
356.Peer To Peer Uganda (PEERU)
357.Plan International
358.Plan International Bangladesh
359.Plan International Haiti
360.Plan International USA
361.Population Connection Action Fund
362.Population Council
363.Population Services And Training Center
364.Potential Leaders for Sustainable Future
367.PRAYAS/ Progressive Rural Active Youth's Action for Society
368.Première Urgence Internationale
369.Programme for the Well Being of Children
370.Putting Women First Trust ( Member of FEMNET)
372.Radanar Ayar Association
373.Radiant International
374.Raising Teenagers Uganda
375.Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan (RSKS India)
376.Rape Hurts Foundation (RHF)
377.Reaching the Unreached Tanzania (RUT)
378.Red de Género y Salud Colectiva ALAMES
379.Red Dot Foundation
380.Red Dot Foundation Global
381.Red Nacional de Jóvenes y Adolescentes para la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (RedNac)
382.Reformist's Social Welfare and Development Organization (RSWDO)
383.Refugees International
384.Regional Network of Children and Young People Trust
385.Rehabilitation and Development Organization (RaDO)
386.REMI East Africa
387.REPSSI (Regional Psychosocial Support Initiatives, - South Africa)
388.Research & Counselling Foundation for African Migrants (RECFAM)
389.Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU)
390.Réseau SOS Femmes en Détresse - SOSFED
391.Rhythm of Life
392.Rifka Annisa
393.Rift Valley Children & Women Development Organization
394.Rise Up
395.Rishi Development Foundation
396.Roshani Development Foundation
397.Rozaria Memorial Trust
398.Rujewa Integrated Efforts to Fight Poverty (RIEFP)
399.RUNA Institute
400.Rural African Women Developing Organization RAWDO
401.Rural Aid Foundation (RAFO)
402.Rural Disabled Women Association
403.Rural Education Support and Rehabilitation Unit
404.Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy
405.Safe Society, India
408.Sami Foundation
409.Sankalpa Community Based Rehabilitation Nepal
410.Sant pou la Kilti ak Devlopman Karis ( SKDK)
411.Sarathi Development Foundation
412.Savana Signatures
413.Save & Nurture Child Care Foundation
414.Save Street Children Uganda (SASCU)
415.Save the Children
416.Save The Children India
417.Save the Children Sierra Leone
418.Sawa for Development Association
419.SCOPE Foundation
420.Seeds to Sew International
421.Seek And Save Mission Ministries
423.Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition
424.SHAKHI 'Friends of Women'
425.Shaktiism CIC
426.Shanduko Yeupenyu Child Care
427.Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northern Uganda (SCOEN)
428.Shariatpur Development Society (SDS)
431.Shifting the Power Coalition (Pacific)
432.Shining Future Zambia
433.Shiv Shiksha Samiti Ranoli, Tonk, Rajasthan India
434.Silan Foundation Kenya
435.Simli AiD
436.Sindicato de trabajadores domésticas similares y a cuenta propia SITRADOMSA
437.Sinergias-Alianzas Estratégicas por la Salud y el Desarrollo Social, Colombia
438.Social Development Direct
439.Social Organization for Justice and Human Rights Observation (SOJHRO)
440.Society for Development and Research
441.Society For Pre and Post Natal Services (SPANS)
442.Society for Sustainable Development
443.Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP-Nigheria)
444.Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC)
445.Society for Women Education and Economic Thrust (SWEET)
446.Solidarité Féminine pour la Paix et le Developpement Integral (SOFEPADI)
447.Solidarity of Refugee Women for the Social Welfare (SOFERES)
448.Soroptimist International
449.Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition
450.Stoop To Rise Initiative
451.Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA Network)
452.Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA Network)
453.Strengthening Participatory Organization ( SPO) Pakistan
454.Sujag Sansar Organization (SSO)
455.Sukaar Welfare Organization Pakistan
456.Sung Foundation
457.Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Peoples in Bangladesh
458.Switzerland - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation/Humanitarian Aid
459.Syria Relief & Development (SRD)
460.Talent Youth Association
461.Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA)
462.Tariro Youth Development Trust
463.Teams Advancing Women in Agriculture
465.Terre des Hommes Italy
466.The Awakening
467.The Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies
468.The Center for Reproductive Rights
469.The Fruit Basket
470.The Graca Machel Trust
471.The Greater North Women's Voices for Peace Network (GNWVPN) , NORTHERN UGANDA
472.The Hunger Project India
473.The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs)
474.The Lotus Flower
475.The YP Foundation
477.Too Young to Wed
478.Topodzi Foundation Trust
479.Training and Research Surpport Center Tanzania
480.Tribal Rights watch (Reg NGO) Kp Pakistan.
482.Udayon Kutir Silpa Prothistan (UKSP)
484.Ukhondo Services Foundation
485.UN Women
486.Unchained At Last
487.Under the Rainbow - Creative Strategies for Positive Change
488.Union Women Center Azerbaijan
489.United Children Integrated Development Action Uganda (UNCIDA)
490.United States International Council on Disabilities
491.Unity Cultural and Development Center
492.Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights
493.URICT Uganda
494.Urmul Trust, Rajasthan, India
495.Vishakha , Rajsthan , India
496.Vision for learning culture & peace
498.VOICE 4 Girls
499.Voice of South Bangladesh
500.Voices of Somaliland Minority Women Organization (VOSOMWO)
501.Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
502.WDF (IEO)
503.Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA)
504.Wellbeing Foundation Africa
505.WINGS Guatemala
506.Women and Children Humanitarian Aid (wocha)
507.Women and Children Welfare Society, Nepal
508.Women and Rural Development Network
509.Women Can Do It (WCDI)
510.Women Deliver
511.Women Development Program
512.Women Education Development Organization of Liberia
513.Women Empowerment Organization
514.Women Enabled International
515.Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative - WOYODEV
516.Women Graduates - USA
517.Women in Alternative Action - WAA Cameroon
518.Women Information Network (WINET)
519.Women Inspiration Development Center
520.Women Media and Development (TAM)
521.Women Power Connect
522.Women United for Economic Empowerment
523.Women Win
524.Women Wings for Women’s Empowerment
525.Women’s Economic Empowerment Project - Zambia
526.Women’s Justice Initiative
527.Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
528.Women's Education Project
529.Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
530.Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre
531.Women's Initiative for Self-Actualization
532.Women's International Peace Centre
533.Women's Refugee Commission
534.Women's World Summit Foundation
535.Word Trust (India)
536.World Action Fund
537.World Pulse
538.World Vision Ghana
539.World Vision International
540.World Vision Ireland
541.WUZDA Ghana
542.YAPPIKA (ActionAid Indonesia)
543.Young People's Access to Quality Health, Academic, Social and Economic Support in Zambia (YPhases Zambia)
544.Young Women Initiative for Development (Ywide)
545.Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan
546.Youth Development and Voice Initiative (YOVI)
547.Youth Dream for Constructive Achievement (YDCA) Inc.
548.Youth for Social Development
549.Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
550.Youth Success Association
551.ZiMwana Worldwide
552.Zoe Counselling and Training Centre Trust
553.Zonta International
- Human Rights Watch
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