The body of this report summarizes western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones. AnnexA summarizes tropical cyclones in the central North Pacific from 180° eastward to 140° W, and Annex B summarizes tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. The U.S. National Weather Service publishes summaries of eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones in the Monthly Weather Review, the Mariners Weather Log, and Pilot Charts.
Fleet Weather Central/Joint Typhoon Warning Center (FLEWEACEN/JTWC), Guam has the responsibility to:
1. Provide warnings for all troical cyclones north of the equator, west of 180° longitude, and east of 80° E longitude;
2. Determine tropical cyclone reconnaissance requirements and assign priorities;
3. Conduct post-analysis programs including preparation of the Annual Typhoon Report; and
4. Conduct tropical cyclone analysis and forecasting research.
Detachment 17/Asian Tactical Forecast Unit, 20th Weather Squadron, Yokota, Japan (formerly Asian Tactical Forecast Center, Fuchu) coordinating with the Naval Weather Service Facility, Yokosuka, Japan, is designated as the alternate JTWC in case of the incapacitation of FLEWEACEN/JTWC Guam.
The JTWC is an integral part of FLEWEACEN Guam and is manned by four officers and four enlisted men each from the Navy and Air Force. The senior Air Force officer is designated as Director, JTWC, and the senior Navv officer is the JTWC Operations Officer.
The western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones Warning System consists of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, the U.S. Air Force 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron stationed at Andersen AFB, Guam, and Air Force Weather Service Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) sites at Nimitz Hill, Guam; Yokota AB, Japan; Kadena AB, Japan; Nakon Phanom Airport, Thailand; Hickam AFB, Hawaii; and the Air Force Global Weather Central, Offutt AFB, Nebraska.
The Central Pacific Hurricane Center, Honolulu, is responsible for the area from 180° eastward to 140°W and north of the equator. Warnings are issued in coordination with FLEWEACEN Pearl Harbor and the Air Force Central Pacific Forecast Center, Hickam AFB, Hawaii.
CINCPACFLT, CINCUSARPAC, and CINCPACAF are responsible for further dissemination and, if necessary, local modification of tropical cyclone warnings to U.S. military agencies