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Viet Nam

Viet Nam: Floods and typhoons Emergency appeal n° MDRVN006 Final report


Period covered by this Final Report: 2 October 2009 to 30 November 2010

Appeal target (current): CHF 4,464,332 (USD.3.9 million or EUR 3.22 million)

Final appeal coverage: This appeal is 101 per cent covered.

Appeal history:

- Operations update no. 9 extended the period of this appeal by two months to 30 November 2010.

- A second revised emergency appeal was launched on 12 June 2010 for CHF 4,466,630 (USD 3.9 million or EUR 3.23 million) to assist 60,000 families (approximately 270,000 people) for 12 months.

- The initial revised emergency appeal was launched on 19 October 2009 for CHF 5,571,176 (USD 5.47 million or EUR 3.67 million) to assist 60,000 families (approximately 270,000 people) for 12 months.

- This emergency appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 2 October 2009 for CHF 4,939,626 (USD 4.75 million or EUR 3.25 million) to assist 50,000 families (approximately 210,000 people) for 12 months.

- Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 314,064 (USD 324,167 or EUR 214,633) was allocated from IFRC's DREF to support the national society in its initial emergency response.


The Viet Nam Red Cross (VNRC) received constant support from IFRC and partner national societies in-country throughout this operation. This covered support for both service delivery and for technical support which was conveyed in a manner to ensure the expansion of the national society's capacities. Overall, evaluation has highlighted and confirmed that the impact of this operation has been highly positive and beneficial to not only the

communities involved but to the national society as well. While challenges existed and were overcome, lessons taken from these experiences will continue to serve as points for consideration in future operations.

Achievements of the objectives under this emergency appeal have ensured:

- 191,420 people in ten provinces affected received food supplies by January 2010;

- 60,286 people in 13 provinces affected received basic household items by mid-December 2009;

- Safe water was provided to 26,000 people from 3 October to 6 November 2009 through the deployment of emergency water treatment equipment for the first time;

- 46,745 people in nine provinces received water purification tablets for household water treatment by end-December 2009;

- A water and sanitation needs assessment was carried out in January 2010, which helped refocus priorities in the recovery phase of the operation;

- 650 families rebuilt their new storm- and flood-resistant homes by mid-October 2010;

- 29,381 people received cash grants to help support their families and income-generation activities by end-January 2010;

- 300 families have healthy livestock for income-generation since early-October 2010; and,

- Standard operating procedures for a trained national disaster response team are in place to expedite deployment of disaster response when needed

These points are elaborated upon further in this report.


All objectives have been reached and the evaluation of the relief and recovery (shelter) phase shows impact has been very positive. Highly positive beneficiary feedback has also provided a yardstick by which the national society can continue to assess its service delivery and pinpoint areas in which it may improve.

Financial situation: To date, this appeal has been 101 per cent covered with contributions totalling CHF 4,529,948. With this final report, this emergency appeal will be closed. As there is still a remaining balance of CHF 344,365 currently outstanding, IFRC seeks to transfer the funds over the next 30 days to the Viet Nam country plan 2011 under its disaster management and organizational development components.

Partners/donors who have any questions about the reallocation of the final balance of funds are kindly requested to contact IFRC within the next 30 days.