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Viet Nam

Viet Nam: Flood and Typhoons Emergency Appeal No. MDRVN006 Operations Update No. 6


GLIDE n° FL-2009-000207-VNM

Period covered by this operations update: 14 November - 31 December 2009

Appeal target (current): CHF 5,571,176 (USD 5.47 million or EUR 3.67 million)

Appeal coverage: The appeal is 73 per cent covered to date, and 77 per cent covered with pledges in the pipeline. Funds are urgently needed to enable Viet Nam Red Cross to continue providing immediate humanitarian assistance to those affected by this disaster.

Appeal history:

- The revised emergency appeal was launched 19 October 2009 for CHF 5,571,176 (USD 5.47 million or EUR 3.67 million) to assist 60,000 families (approximately 270,000 people) for 12 months.

- This emergency appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 2 October 2009 for CHF 4,939,626 (USD 4.75 million or EUR 3.25 million) to assist 50,000 families (approximately 210,000 people) for 12 months.

- Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 314,064 (USD 324,167 or EUR 214,633) was allocated from the Federation's DREF to support the national society in initial emergency response.


Planning and activities carried out prior to rice distribution in ten provinces under the Typhoon Ketsana operation were the main focus during this reporting period. These included procurement, logistics, training and selection of beneficiaries, all of which were necessary to facilitate the distribution process. Although the distribution of rice to beneficiaries was begun during the last week of December 2009, these were made in relatively small quantities, with the main portion of distribution scheduled to take place in early January 2010. During the second half of December, livelihood support was provided by American Red Cross under the emergency appeal. The distribution of cash reached a total of 34,500 beneficiaries in four of the most affected provinces.

VNRC also distributed 6,600 household kits with support of USAID in the provinces of Khanh Hoa, Phu Yen and Binh Dinh in favour of people affected by typhoon Mirinae.

To date, support to this appeal has been received from American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross/Australian government, Belgian Red Cross/Belgian government, British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Finnish Red Cross, Hong Kong branch of Red Cross Society of China, Japanese Red Cross, Republic of Korea Red Cross, Monaco Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross/Netherlands government, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Norwegian Red Cross/Norwegian government, Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government, and United Arab Emirates Red Crescent. Contributions to this appeal have also been received from the Italian government, South African government and USAID. Bilateral contributions have been received from American Red Cross, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Singapore Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross and Swiss Red Cross.

On behalf of Viet Nam Red Cross, the International Federation would like to thank all partners and donors for their quick and generous response to this appeal.