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Viet Nam

Viet Nam: Appeal 2009-2010 (MAAVN001) - Annual report


Appeal No. MAAVN001

This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2009.

In brief

Programme purpose: The 2009-2010 support programme aims to strengthen the Viet Nam Red Cross society's role as the leading humanitarian organization in Viet Nam.

Programme summary: The focus of activity during this reporting period remains the planting and maintenance of mangroves in efforts to enhance disaster preparedness through the natural means of mangroves and bamboo; training on disaster preparedness planning; education on disaster preparedness; first aid training; and training on finance management.

Planned activities have been implemented in parallel with the 2008 floods operation, the 2009 Typhoon Ketsana operation and Typhoon Mirinae.

Financial situation: The 2009 budget has been revised from CHF 682,915 (USD 629,200 or EUR 447,895) to CHF 709,653 (USD 694,825 or EUR 469,580). Coverage of the budget is up to 117 per cent while expenditure for January to December 2009 is 79 per cent of the total 2009 budget.

See also MDRVN006 floods and typhoons.

No. of people we help: Under the disaster management, and health and care programmes, there are 3,786 direct beneficiaries, excluding the number of people being reached under the current relief operations.

Our partners: Partners who have supported VNRC under this appeal include Australian Red Cross, British Red Cross/British government, Japanese Red Cross (as a long-term partner under the 2006-2010 memorandum of understanding), Liechtenstein Red Cross, New Zealand Red Cross and Swedish Red Cross. VNRC also works with government departments, namely in the ministry of health, and the disaster management working group, as well as with UN agencies, such as UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), and other non-governmental organizations. VNRC is also supported by corporate sector donors. Also contributing to the work of the national society on a bilateral basis are American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Italian Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, and Swiss Red Cross.

On behalf of Viet Nam Red Cross, IFRC would like to thank all partners and contributors for their response to this appeal.