- 2,277 mt of food assistance distributed* USD
- 42.4 m six months (August 2022 –January 2023) net funding requirements, representing 42% of total needs
- 203,000 people assisted* in July 2022
*Preliminary figures
Operational Updates
• In July, WFP reached 203,000 beneficiaries 1,700 targeted schools across the seven in states where the school meals programme is currently implemented. More in detail, WFP reached: 155,200 children under 6; 9,800 students with disabilities; and 38,000 school personnel.
• Among the seven states, WFP started distributing school meals in the state of Sucre , reaching 18,000 people in 115 schools, including schools population hard-to-reach communities.
• WFP also plans to reach schools in Delta Amacuro where before the launch, it conducted , a multifunctional assessment to identify the and habits of school communities and the needs specific needs of Indigenous communities. Findings showed a high level of vulnerability regarding access to water and food, as well as vulnerable livelihoods. The assessment highly also confirmed programme feasibility and showed overall acceptance of WFP’s food basket.
• As supplementary feeding for children, started the distribution of Super Cereal Plus WFP in the states of Trujillo, Barinas, and Yaracuy. WFP’ s cooperating partners carried out training sessions for families and school personnel to ensure proper preparation of Super Cereal Plus. WFP aims start the distribution of Super Cereal Plus August in the states of food to in Monagas, Anzoátegui, Sucre, and Delta Amacuro.