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Venezuelan floods strike Latin America one year after Hurricane Mitch

With a death toll of 30,000 to 50,000, the devastating floods and mudslides which have struck Venezuela could be Latin America's worst natural disaster of the 20th Century, three times greater than Hurricane Mitch which struck Central America last year.
'International aid from the US, Mexico, Columbia and Cuba is helping, but Australians must realise they too can help, despite being geographically separated,' said Ms Janet Hunt, Executive Director of the Australian Council for Overseas Aid.

'Christmas is traditionally a time of giving for Australians, and at this time the people of Venezuela are in extreme need. Australians are encouraged to send cash donations to the agencies listed below which are able to assist through their in country partners. Donating money is the quickest and most effective way to assist those in urgent need. Not only does it ensure that the most appropriate items of food, medical supplies, clothing and shelter are purchased, it also facilitates the re-establishment of community infrastructure such as water and sanitation, roads, schools and hospitals,' said Ms Hunt.

The Australian aid agencies receiving donations for humanitarian assistance for the people of Venezuela are:

Australian Baptist World Aid: 02 9451 1199
Australian Red Cross: 1800 811 700
CAA Oxfam Aust: 1800 034 034
TEAR Australia: 1800 244 986
UNICEF Australia: 1800 025 192 or
WVA: 13 32 40

Further enquiries can be directed to Janet Hunt, ACFOA, on mobile 0411 868 174.