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Venezuela: Floods - IFRC-DREF Operation - Final Report, Operation n° MDRVE007



Description of the disaster

The year 2022 was one of the most affected years by heavy rains in recent years. By December 2022, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH, by its initials in Spanish), reported that 44 out of 51 tropical waves formed in the region, passed through Venezuela.

The remnants of tropical wave No. 41 and the presence of the intertropical convergence zone produced an accumulation of rainfall above the records of previous years. In this sense, several states were affected by the rainfall produced. Aragua was the most affected state with 54 people killed in Las Tejerías disaster on 8 October and the El Castaño disaster on 17 October, where three people died. It was followed by the Anzoátegui state, where eight people died on 9 November; in some zones, the damage was so extensive that the vice-presidency announced the reallocation of 39 families to Falcón, Cojedes, and Lara.

By the end of 2022, according to the Ministry of Interior and Justice more than 60,000 people, 26,000 families, and around 14,000 homes were damaged. According to Civil Protection (PC, by its Spanish acronym), 80,000 groups were deployed to help those affected by the rains.

In addition to the deaths, the heavy rains in Venezuela caused other damages in most of the country, ranging from flooding, overflowing rivers, landslides, fallen trees, and utility failures, to the collapse of houses in risk areas.

In addition, several reservoirs were at risk and on the verge of overflowing registered in October, such as those in Miranda and Aragua, which due to the lack of maintenance were at risk of contamination. Rains and floods also caused affectations in the agricultural sector, especially in the Los Andes region. Rainfall was recorded in the states of Portuguesa, Miranda, Zulia, Táchira, Lara, Falcón, Bolívar, Nueva Esparta, Guárico, Mérida, Carabobo, Delta Amacuro, Trujillo, La Guaira, and Sucre.