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Partners of the Americas sends aid to Venezuela survivors

Partners of the Americas' (Partners) volunteers in Venezuela and Tennessee are responding to the short- and long-term needs of victims of the mudslides that hit Caracas and surrounding states on December, 1999. As a people-to-people organization which has been involved in development activities in Venezuela for over three decades, Partners is now focusing on the emergency needs of Venezuelans with an eye toward developing longer-term strategies to rebuild communities.
Short- and Long-term Response

In terms of immediate response Partners is sending funds. Partners in Venezuela are mobilizing local volunteers with skills in health, housing rehabilitation and infrastructure repair. Utilizing extensive contacts with communities throughout the affected area, Partners is targeting appropriate assistance to those who need it most. A major focus of the Partners program is to provide services to the thousands of Venezuelans who have been displaced by this natural disaster.

Partners are collaborating with local NGOs to identify suitable recipients of assistance and to establish procurement procedures. U.S. chapters are raising money via media campaigns. Partners' contacts in the business, non-profit and government sectors are collaborating to address relief and reconstruction needs.

Building on Years of Experience in Venezuela

Partners of the Americas, the largest private voluntary organization working to promote economic and social development in the Western Hemisphere, has had ongoing programs in Venezuela for 35 years. Thousands of United States and Venezuelan volunteers have participated in projects to improve emergency response, upgrade medical services and enhance agricultural production.

Partners' response to request for help to Venezuela is consistent with needs expressed by the government of Venezuela, which has stressed the need for funds to purchase relief supplies locally.

Those wishing to make a contribution should write checks payable to Partners of the Americas and mail to: Partners, Venezuela Relief Fund, 1424 K Street NW #700, Washington, DC 20005

Please contact the following Partners for more information on how you can help!

In Tennessee:
President (Tennessee-Venezuela):
Mr. Eric P. Richie, P.E.
6554 Winchester Road, Suite 133
Memphis, TN 38115-4249
(H) (901) 366-1144
(W) (901) 682-8016, ext. 113
(FAX) (901) 682-8146
(E-Mail) (home)
(E-Mail) (work)

In Venezuela:
President (Venezuela Partners):
Mr. Juán Elías Hernández
Apartado 76705
El Marqués
Caracas 1070-A, Venezuela
(H) (58) (2) 242-9235
(TEL/FAX) (58) (2) 242-8371

Executive Director (Venezuela Partners):
Sr. William R. Sánchez
Apartado 88333
Terrazas Club Hípico
Caracas 1084-A, Venezuela
(H) (58) (2) 945-0029
(FAX) (58) (2) 945-0029

In Washington:
Claudia Forrey
Partners of the Americas
1424 K Street NW #700
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 637-6203
Fax: (202) 6280-3306

Donna Gebicke
Phone: (202) 637-6225
Fax: (202) 628-3306

Copyright © 1999 Partners of the Americas, Inc.