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Vanuatu - Tropical Cyclone Pam Situation Report #08 - 15 April 2015



· The first wave of Government-led food distributions was completed in 21 out of 23 islands, reaching some 165,000 people. By referring to Makira and Mataso as two separate islands (they were considered as one initially), the number of affected islands is now considered to be 23.

· Food distributions are still underway in the islands of Pentecost and Maewo, due for completion by the end of the week.

· Almost 800mt of food has been procured for the second round of distributions, including rice, noodles, tinned fish and biscuits. This includes food from the Government of Vanuatu, WFP, the German Government, the Red Cross movement, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and Care International.

· All military assets will have completed their mission in Vanuatu by 15 April and are scheduled to leave the country then.