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Vanuatu Red Cross Society August 2016


Program updates

Tropical Cyclone Pam Recovery

Category-5 Tropical Cyclone Pam devastated Vanuatu in March 2015. Red Cross continues to work with communities in recovery.

Currently working in Paama, the Shepherd Islands, Tanna, Efate and Efate offshore islands, Red Cross focuses on the areas of shelter, WASH, livelihoods and DRR. Work is completed in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent, Australian Red Cross and French Red Cross. In August, the VRCS CEO,

Jacqueline de Gaillande, and the IFRC Operations Manager travelled to Emae to visit recovery sites and monitor the work undertaken by Red Cross. Whilst there, they also took part in a shelter and VIP latrine training with community members. The first phase of the livelihoods recovery program also completed this month.