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Tropical Cyclone Pam Situation Report No. 16, 3 April 2015



  • The NZ defence forces together with WASH Cluster partners have supplied tanks & water to communities in Epi,
    South Nalema, Port Qumi, Sara, Antuan,
    Nuvi and Laba, reaching 1,500 people.

  • The Early Warning Surveillance System for health is currently implemented by the Ministry of Health in the affected areas.

  • Shelter Cluster pooling resources in order to meet the gaps in assistance in urban and peri-urban areas in Port Vila as well as shelter assistance gaps in Maewo and Mere Lava islands (Penama Province) and Epi and Efira islands (Shefa Province).

  • Current estimates based on the most recent damage assessment and distribution information from cluster agencies and from the Shefa Provincial Government are: 13,409 houses were damaged and in need of shelter assistance. Shelter distribution has taken place or is underway to 7,671 households in Shefa, Tafea,
    Malampa and Penama provinces.