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NEOC Situation Update: Ambae Volcanic Activity Situation Report 20


Situation Overview

  • A State of Emergency is in place on the island of Ambae until the 26th September 2018.

  • The Vanuatu Meteorology and GeoHazard Department has the Ambae Volcano at Alert Level 3.

  • The Sanma Provincial Office with several Sanma Government Departments, faith-based organizations and Red Cross has made generous donations towards the Sanma Gender & Protection Cluster to support the Ambae vulnerable group in Luganville.

  • MV Kalyara and LC Tiwi Trader are loaded with Dry rations, NFI’s from PCS, chairs and desks donated by SDA church for Narovorovo and one truck from Save the Children. Both ships will be heading for Maewo this week.

  • The Penama Education officers in Sanma are providing assistance in registering school children who have relocated to Maewo