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NEOC Situation Update: Ambae Volcanic Activity Situation Report 17 (16:30 17th August 2018)


Situation Overview

 A State of Emergency is in place on the island of Ambae until the 26th September 2018.

 The Vanuatu Meteorology and GeoHazard Department has the Ambae Volcano at Alert Level 3.

 A full, compulsory evacuation of the island of Ambae has been completed.

 The population who have relocated to Maewo continue to settle into host communities. Regular coordination meetings taking place in Kerebei and clusters are supporting the provision of services in host communities. A smaller emergency operations centre is also active in Narovorovo

 A number of issues have been raised by evacuees on Maewo including: access to a balanced diet; having appropriate accommodation; females and children having access to suitable toilet and shower facilities; and the loss of income. These issues are being raised and managed through the onsite operations centre.

 The Sanma Provincial Emergency Operations Centre has been officially activated today. It will coordinate the management of those with special needs in Luganville.

 Ambae residents with special needs were transferred to Luganville on the 8 th August 2018.
These people largely remain at the wharf, however, due to the unsuitable conditions some have moved away with carers and into host communities. Suitable longer term accommodation has not yet been found. Additional people with special needs are coming to the facility at the wharf.

 The Ambae community on Santo has been informally registering voluntary movements of people.
It is expected that this information will form the basis of future comprehensive displacement tracking.

 The Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) Board has opened up a partial (20%) withdrawal to affected Ambaeans who are members of VNPF as of 13th August 2018. The initiative is also opened to other members who have relationship or in a relationship with an Ambaean whose family are affected by the emergency.