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USCRI Policy and Advocacy Report: Volume 8 | Issue No.04 | November.21.2024


Decoding the Data Surrounding Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a widespread public health issue that impacts regions, countries, communities, families, and individuals. While the public has become more aware of human trafficking over the past 25 years, the true magnitude of this crime remains unknown. Global estimates of individuals in human trafficking situations range from 27 to 50 million. The discrepancy in estimates has led some to claim that the scope of the problem is unsubstantiated and that services for identified survivors are not warranted.

Stakeholders engaged in anti-trafficking efforts require accurate data to guide their responses to human trafficking. Survivors and individuals at risk need well-informed interventions and prevention strategies. To effectively address the issue, it is essential to gain a deeper understanding of the scope and prevalence of human trafficking. But accurately estimating the number of survivors remains a significant and complex challenge. This brief explores the distinctions between reporting, detection, and the prevalence of human trafficking cases, while highlighting the critical need to support programs that serve survivors.

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