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USA + 1 more

Emergency: Support newly-arriving Afghans

In the coming weeks, tens of thousands of Afghans will arrive in the United States. They are fleeing retribution or persecution from the Taliban and have one goal: to live in safety. It is in our power to help them obtain it.

We have worked with newly-arriving Afghans for decades. As emergency evacuations from Kabul continue, an unprecedented number of new arrivals are expected to land in the US in coming days: at least 50,000 by some accounts. That’s more than the number of refugees from all over the world that the United States has welcomed in the last two years combined.

As Afghans arrive, CWS will be one of the key organizations helping them settle into new lives. They are literally coming without any luggage, and will need help with everything that we as a community can offer. The CWS nationwide network will be representing this collective effort in front of the federal government. But the attempt to offer housing, legal assistance, case management, mental health support, medical care, school enrollment and community sponsorship will have to be a joint one. Right now, the right infrastructure needs to be built in short order to be able to respond appropriately.

We have identified an initial financial need of at least $2 million in order to accomplish this. As the situation evolves, this goal may increase. We are also in immediate need of facilities that could be used as–or converted into–temporary or long-term living spaces. We need transportation, food, blankets, storage and much more.

The needs that are arising are extraordinary. So, too, is the generosity and compassion of people of faith. Will you join us?