Resettlement Operation in Ecuador have expanded considerably during 2022, this expansion is aligned with the priority established in the Region to provide opportunities for persons at heightened risk. The Resettlement scale- up is a regional initiative that reaffirms UNHCR´s capacity to deliver effective protection to the people most in need. The Office is strengthening the strategic use of resettlement to ensure a more protection-driven approach while maintaining its implementation to facilitate international responsibility-sharing.
In 2023 UNHCR Ecuador is also exploring complementary pathways as part of the solutions for refugees as a safe and regulated avenues for persons in need of international protection.
Limited livelihood opportunities increase risks as individuals and families are forced to resort to negative coping mechanisms including child labor, survival sex and labor exploitation. Finally, the deterioration of the security context in Ecuador has affected the safety of the population in human mobility and their host communities. UNHCR is committed to finding solutions to issues pertaining to refugees using resettlement as an effective protection tool.
Survivors of Sexual Violence: Persons of interest who have survived sexual violence in their home countries and/or asylum countries are prioritized for resettlement as psychological services for trauma and torture survivors in Ecuador are limited and often inadequate. Survivors of Violence and Torture: UNHCR has received an increased number of cases where the persons of interest have survived cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment amounting to torture in their home countries, and/or asylum country. Such cases are prioritized to ensure necessary medical and psychosocial interventions in a country of resettlement at the earliest possible. LGBTQI+: The LGBTQI+ face homophobia and high levels of discrimination in Ecuador. “Centres of de-homosexualization” are present across the country. In these centres, the LGBTQI+ suffer practices equivalent to torture.
There are well-known cases where trans-activists and gay men have been murdered. Resettlement is prioritised to ensure a life in dignity and security for the LGBTQI+.
Individuals with legal protection needs: Cases of persons of concern who stand at risk of being deported are prioritized for submission to resettlement countries to respect their right to non-refoulement. UNHCR and partners will continue to work on prevention and response to Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection, reinforcing community outreach programs and identifying persons in need. This task is increasingly challenging because persons of concern are dispersed over Ecuador in areas previously not covered by UNHCR.