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World Vision Tanzania Annual Report 2020/2021



2021 marks as a special year in two ways; it marks the 40th anniversary of World Vision’s presence in the United Republic of Tanzania and we also launched our five years’ National Strategy for 2021-2025. We have continued to collaborate with local communities, faith leaders, government and partners in improving the wellbeing of children and their families in the areas of resilience and livelihoods, health and nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene and education.

Our strategy is based on the Global World Vision strategy, ‘Our Promise,’ which represents a bold commitment to the most vulnerable girls and boys around the world to transform their lives and bring them hope.

COVID-19 has created a new norm and as such, we have to embrace it with adapted new ways of doing business as we started implementing our five years’ National Strategy. We are virtually connected as we maximize online platforms in addressing issues of most vulnerable children. This year our It Takes a World to End Child Marriage campaign focused on mobilizing communities and government in preventing children from getting married and losing out on education.

I am grateful to our passionate and devoted staff to this crucial mission which enabled us to reach more than 4,000,000 children through child protection, faith and development, health and nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene programs. We are thankful to our partners particularly the government of Tanzania, sponsors and donors; EU, GAC, Irish Aid, KOICA, MOFA Japan, and PEPFAR for their endless support in improving health, nutrition, water and climate resilience.

I would like to express sincere gratitude to all of our partners including the government of Tanzania.

Our WASH program in collaboration with Diocese of Masasi Angelican Church of Tanzania (has started to operate in the Southern regions of Mtwara and Ruvuma with funding from the Grille Foundation. This means that World Vision Tanzania now operates in 18 of the 33 regions in the country. It is our hope that we will go further than we can imagine in FY 22.

We humbly ask for God’s continued Blessings upon the work of World Vision Tanzania to continue to help us improve the well-being of the most vulnerable children so that they can enjoy life in all its fullness and fulfil His purpose for them.

Gilbert Kamanga
National Director