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Transformation in Communities Health and Nutrition: Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal & Child Health in Shinyanga and Singida regions - ENRICH Project




Contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality and morbidity in Shinyanga and Singida regions.

Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal & Child Health in Shinyanga and Singida - ENRICH Project, led by World Vision Tanzania collaborating with the Government of Tanzania, is funded by Global Affairs Canada and World Vision Canada. ENRICH project is implemented by consortium partner (Nutrition International) and consultants (Harvest Plus and Canadian Society for International Health). The project is full aligned with the Tanzania national multisectoral nutrition action plan 2016/2021. The project aims at directly addressing malnutrition in the first 1000days of child's life. It address issues critical to the health and nutrition of mothers, newborns and children under the age of two through;

Strengthening health systems

  • Training and equipping frontline health workers, Regional Health Management Teams and Council (District) Health Management Teams on promotion and provision of basic nutrition services and planning and budgeting.

  • Informing and increasing community participation in policy dialogue on Maternal Newborns Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) issues through Citizen Voice and Action (CVA).

Improving nutrition services

  • To promote behavior change and promoting knowledge on recommended nutrition needs for mothers, newborns and children under two.

  • Micronutrients supplements intake

  • Iron Folic acid supplement intake

  • Better feeding practices for infants and young children

  • Intake of nutrients dense food

  • Promotion of bio-fortified products and development of home gardens.

This is through training and supporting of community nutrition support groups, farmers group, community health workers, community social services committee, community leaders, faith leaders, women and men on production, utilization and consumptions of orange fleshed sweet potatoes, vegetables and other nutrients dense food crops.