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Tanzania: Tropical Storm Jobo - Operation Update 1, DREF n° MDRTZ029


Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action

This Operations Update No.1 seeks to extend the operation timeframe, additional response activities and requests for a second allocation, based on the needs identified after TS Jobo made landfall.

The timeframe is extended from 1 to 3 months, with a new end date, 31 July 2021, and the second allocation of an amount of CHF 250,743 to meet the needs of 15,375 people (3,075 households), the most vulnerable affected by TS Jobo and targeted by this operation.

An imminent DREF EPoA of 56,440 Swiss francs was launched to support the preparedness for Tropical Storm (TS) Jobo, which was expected to make landfall at the coast of the Indian Ocean and expected to affect the 4 regions of Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi and Mtwara. On landfall, TS Jobo brought heavy rains and strong winds resulting in flash floods affecting more than 6,000 households in 8 regions, namely Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Kagera, Mbeya, Manyara, Shinyanga, Morogoro and Zanzibar Island.

The scale up of the DREF for response activities will enable TRCS to strengthen its response to the affected households, in line with the results of the rapid assessments and the needs on the ground.

A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

Tanzania expected TS Jobo to make landfall between 24 and 26 April 2021. The forecast information issued by Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) highlighted 4 regions most at risk including Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi, and Mtwara. TS Jobo was expected to bring heavy rains and heavy winds in the 4 regions stretching along the coastal belt.

After TS Jobo made landfall, a total of 8 regions have reported heavy rains with strong winds resulting in flash floods causing fatalities and major damage to critical infrastructure and houses. TS Jobo also brought heavy rainfall to Zanzibar Island coastal and also inland areas. The rain belt has continued into the second week after TS Jobo caused continued rainfall in many parts of the country. The rains have caused massive destruction in the farm fields, and houses were submerged due to heavy downpour.

Based on the TRCS rapid assessment and information from the local GoT DM structures, as of April 30, a total of 6,001 households (30,005 people) have been reported directly affected and 22 people have died. The regions that reported heavy rains are: Dar es Salaam (374 HH affected), Mbeya (614 HH affected), Shinyanga (295 HH affected), Kagera (531 HH affected), Kilimanjaro (3,795 HH affected), Manyara (164 HH affected), Zanzibar Island (100 HH affected) and Morogoro (228 HH affected).

Infrastructure damage has been significant, including for the education sector, health sector and the road network. Some roads in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya and Kilimanjaro are not passable, paralyzing transport and humanitarian aid delivery to the affected population by road. Water facilities have also been affected, including the destruction of pipelines and wells, leading to poor access to safe and clean water, increasing the likelihood of disease outbreaks, including of dysentery and water-borne diseases. A need to avail water treatment tablets is important to ensure access to safe and clean drinking water.

This second DREF allocation for emergency response supports the initial rapid assessment in the eight (8) most affected regions and the findings have informed the operational strategy, which includes the replenishment and distribution of EHIs, PSS clinics, water purification, and hygiene and health promotion to control outbreak of water and vector-borne diseases, such as cholera and malaria as well as COVID-19.