Food security conditions are favorable across the country. Food is widely available in markets, from good vuli production in bimodal areas and carryover stocks from the 2006 harvests. The msimu crop harvest is starting in the lowlands, and is likely to be above average following a good October to March rainy season. Prices are below their five-year average in many markets, and have been decreasing unseasonably. As the msimu harvest progresses, prices are likely to drop further.
Rift Valley Fever (RVF) has been contained, and the vaccination campaign is continuing, although a significant shortfall of vaccine dosages persists. The consumption of red meat is starting to increase, improving incomes in the livestock sector that was hit by low demand for red meat following the RVF outbreak.
In the northwest, banana bacterial wilt (BBW), which was threatening banana production in Kagera Region, has been contained. It now remains in very few areas in the region. However, cassava mosaic disease (CMD) remains a significant problem that threatens the food access in cassava-growing areas. The disease is currently present in the Lake Victoria zone and bordering regions, and is spreading southwards and westwards.
Above-normal rains received in many parts of the country in 2007 have increased river water levels after their low levels in 2006, which has improved electrical power production, irrigation, fishery in rivers, lakes and dams and the availability of domestic water supplies for rural and urban households.
Seasonal calendar
Timeline of critical events