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Tanzania Food Security Update, February 2009


- Failure of the vuli rains in the northern, northeastern, and coastal bimodal areas, which generate 30 percent of annual national crop production, is limiting the food access of lowincome households and households dependent on agriculture.

- Because poor farmers who lost their vuli crop during 2008/09 will likely have difficulty obtaining seed for the masika season, the government has released TZS 1.7 billion from the disaster fund for seed procurement and distribution in Morogoro, Dodoma, Shinyanga, Mwanza Mara, and Singida regions.

- The ongoing hunger period in unimodal areas and failed vuli season in bimodal areas have led many households to rely on markets to source food. However, in many markets, January food prices were higher than the January five-year average and last year's prices. This is affecting many resource-weak households ability to acquire food.

Figure 1. Current estimated food security conditions, January-March 2009

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