Description of the disaster
On 9 September 2019, the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) disseminated a seasonal weather forecast, predicting heavy rain with high probability of flooding in 13 administrative regions from November 2019 to April 2020. Indeed, the prediction turned out right with several regions including Mara, Dodoma, Singida,
Tabora, Mbeya, Songwe, Ruvuma, Njombe, Iringa, Southern Morogoro, Lindi, Kigoma, Katavi, and Rukwa recording heavy rainfall with cases of flooding. Mara region, and particularly the districts of Rorya and Musoma rural, were the most affected as a result of heavy downpour that lasted for three days between October 26 and 28 and one that caused flooding with ensuing displacement of populations, injuries, and damage to infrastructure and farm lands.
TRCS activated its regional branch in Mara who were joined by the local government response agencies on a search and rescue operation. The exercise lasted for a day and all the evacuees were brought to safety and temporarily hosted in schools. These regional teams were joined by the TRCS National Disaster Response (NDRT) members deployed from other regions through the headquarters. The team specifically was assigned to assist in undertaking a needs assessment which was conducted between 29th and 31st of October 2019. The Emergency Needs Assessment conducted in Rorya and Musoma districts was, however, jointly conducted by TRCS and the local government authorities. The assessment revealed a total of 1,113 people were homeless out of which 50 people got injured (treated and discharged). Besides, extensive damage to critical infrastructure, including access roads, 21 school classrooms and two bridges were either destroyed or partially damaged, as well as several livestock and small stocks with 370 acres of crop farms washed away. Below table shows the areas and the number of affected households and their population by gender.
At the onset of this flooding disaster, TRCS had capacity of prepositioned Household Items (HHIs) to assist 100 households as informed by the stock levels. In addition, the NS was granted a CHF 83,430 allocation through this DREF operation, to meet the immediate needs of 835 people (208 HH) affected by the floods, as identified through rapid needs assessment in Rorya and Musoma Rural districts in Mara region.
The operation focused on the procurement and distribution of household items (HHIs), cash for shelter and basic needs and the provision of Health and WASH.
Summary of response
Overview of Host National Society
The National Society has human resource capacity at all levels from headquarters to the branches and deployed its trained staff from Disaster Management, Health, Logistics and Communication units, standby National/Branch Disaster Response Team, trained cash transfer staff and community based volunteers to support the affected families in Mara region. The local branch has a strong relationship with local government, zone meteorological offices and other relevant disaster stakeholders. All activities were coordinated closely with the local government. Details of NS actions through this DREF operation are presented under Operational strategy below.
Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country For this disaster, TRCS received support from IFRC through this DREF operation and from Belgium RC which contributed through provision of a multi-purpose cash grant to 208 households (120 by DREF and 88 by BRC).
Details of RCRC Movement presence and activities in country on other operations are indicated in EPoA.
Overview of non-RCRC actors in country TRCS branch coordinators in Mara region collaborated closely with the Regional Administrative Commissioner (RAC) and the District Administrative Commissioners who fully participated in the response. Bearing in mind cash payment modality was through envelops, secure measures had to be factored in during the cash distribution so, local government availed security guards to safeguard transportation of the cash.
TRCS continued to update and share situation reports (SITREPs) with the Prime Minister’s office, Disaster Management Department throughout the operation as well as receiving regular weather forecasts from TMA.