A. Situation analysis
Description of the disaster
As per the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) flash report dated October 16th, heavy rains have been affecting Central and Northern regions in Tanzania since the beginning of October, causing flooding and river overflow. As of October 16th, the number of fatalities was recorded at 18, of which 11 in Morogoro region, and significant damage to houses, infrastructure and crops. A second flash report issued by ECHO on October, 28th reported continued floods which, in addition to Central and Northern regions, affected as well Eastern regions of Tanzania, with the death of 14 people in the Handeni district (Tanga Region). According to the same report, since mid-October, floods have led to a total death toll of 44.
In addition, several houses, roads, bridges and crop farms have been damaged.
Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) has been monitoring the situation since the dissemination by the Tanzania Meteorological Agency on September 9th, of a seasonal weather forecast predicting in the coming months heavy rains that would cause floods and led to disease outbreaks in at least 13 administrative regions: Dodoma, Singida, Tabora, Mbeya, Songwe, Ruvuma, Njombe, Iringa, Southern Morogoro, Lindi, Kigoma, Katavi, and Rukwa. According to this forecast, higher than usual rains are expected to persist throughout most rainfall November 2019 to April 2020.
As of 31st October, Mara is one of the most affected regions hit by heavy rains between October 26th and 28th and particularly the district of Rorya and Musoma Rural. The Emergency Needs Assessments conducted by TRCS National Disaster Response Team (NDRT)’ members in coordination with Local Authorities in these districts between October 29th and 31st, reported that rains coupled with strong windstorms affected 1,113 people (292 HH), including 50 injured. Several homes and infrastructure, including roads, classrooms and bridges were either destroyed or damaged, as well as several livestock and small stocks, in addition to 370 acres of crop farms which were washed away.
In view of the above, TRCS is seeking CHF 83,430 from the IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to meet the immediate needs of the flood affected population in Rorya and Musoma Rural districts in Mara region. The operation will focus on the procurement and distribution of shelter and household items (HHIs), on the provision of WASH as well as providing those who have not received HHIs with cash grants, targeting a total of 208 households (835 people). The DREF operation will also enable the National Society (NS) to conduct a detailed Gender and Diversity Analysis as part of the targeting assessment to further inform the operation, including any changes in its strategy.