Famine, food shortages, malnutrition, massive loss of livestock and skyrocketing food prices continue to affect more than 11 million people in East African countries as drought and hunger spread across the region.
PWS&D is expanding emergency relief activities into Tanzania, where severe drought has caused widespread destruction of crops. PWS&D is working in partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank to provide over 8,700 of the most affected people with corn, beans, cooking oil and salt until the next harvest season. In addition, farmers are receiving drought-resistant seeds to restart their crops, as well as training in agriculture and climate change in order to reduce future susceptibility to drought.
PWS&D continues to work in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Canadian Churches in Action and the ACT Alliance to provide people with food, water, shelter, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and livelihood recovery initiatives for hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable people affected by this crisis.
You Can Help
Through your prayerful and financial support, you can ensure those who are in most need receive assistance today. You can donate through your church, mail a cheque to the office, donate online or call PWS&D at 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations as “East Africa Relief.”