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ACT Alert: Kyela district, Tanzania: Humanitarian Support to Flood Survivors


ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 17/2014. ACT member Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) plans to assist 4,500 out of the identified 18,976 people by providing them with a three months quality food ration and, provide scholastic materials to affected school children. According to the District commissioner’s report, these are the most affected ones.

Geneva, 14 May 2014

1. Brief description of the emergency and impact

Rains that are continuing from last week, has caused large damages to people’s livelihoods in two divisions of Kyela district in the southern part of Tanzania, near the border with Malawi. The affected divisions include Unyakyusa and Ntebela that has a total of 12 wards. The rains according to the district commissioner and police reports has so far claimed 7 lives and 3,983 households destroyed, leaving 18,976 families homeless and with no food. A number of livestock and paddy fields have been reported to be washed away. Infrastructures including social services have been destroyed, leading to closure of social services including schools in the area.