This weekend shelling, very close to the 1st Lift Pumping Station (LPS) of South Donbas Water Way (SDWW), started at 19.20 on Saturday 20th October, lasting for around one hour, according to the water company Voda Donbasa (VD) which supplies more than 3.5 million people with water in conflict affected Donetsk oblast in Eastern Ukraine. Technical staff were terrified and during the incident, staff of VD took cover in the on-site bomb shelter. Fortunately, during assessments day after assessment of the territory of the PS, VD did not find any damage to critical infrastructure on site.
The 1st LPS Pumping Station supplies water to five filter stations, providing clean water to more than 1,1 million people, mainly in GCA, except Donetsk city, Yasynuvata, Dokuchaievsk, Yasne and Olenivka in NGCA: Donetska Filter Sstation (378, 983 people), Krasnoarmiiska Filter Station (267,403 people); Velykoanadolska Filter Station (89,241 people); Starokrymska Filter Stations №1 and №2 (470,436 people).
Note, that damaged pipe near this LPS was repaired only last week. Stoppage of such key infrastructure during the winter heating season, can lead to huge problems in many cities should water pipes inside buildings freeze up.
WASH Cluster is in touch with Voda Donbasa, and other actors and will report updates.