Cash-for-winterization has reached 30,497 households with 100,540 people, including 43,036 children, in frontline areas so far this winter. An additional 5,020 households have received winter supplies including solid fuel, winter clothing for children aged 1 to 14 and warm blankets. Winter cash plus case management has been provided to 7,138 families with children in alternative care or with other protection concerns.
In November 2024, UNICEF distributed medical supplies to health facilities in Sumy and Odesa, improving access to health care for 59,018 people in these regions for a total of 1,129,440 people supported this year.
This year, 114,491 children (58,390 girls) have benefitted from remedial education programmes organized by UNICEF and the partners. UNICEF has expanded its network of student learning support centres to 410, including 125 digital learning centres and 285 catch-up centres.
UNICEF has provided mental health and psychosocial support to 685,494 children, caregivers and frontline workers this year, including through direct services, capacity building and outreach to strengthen individual and community resilience. This includes 34,697 children (21,801 girls) and 13,560 caregivers reached in November.
In November, UNICEF reached an additional 189,890 people (31,886 children) through restoration or maintenance of WASH services for a total of 5,282,314 people reached this year.