- Intensified attacks in north-eastern Kharkiv starting on 10 May displaced 18,098 people. Attacks were reported on civilian areas of Kharkiv city throughout the month. Attacks on energy infrastructures resulted in daily power outages across the country, which may continue for months.
- In response to this renewed displacement, UNICEF continued providing multipurpose cash assistance, specialized support for alternative care families, mental health and psychosocial support and case management, as well hygiene supplies and bottled water for affected children and their families.
- UNICEF has reached 162,596 children with formal or non-formal education this year. This includes children engaged through Digital Learning Centres and catch-up centres to support learning recovery.
- A representative survey of 9,000 people across Ukraine shows 32 per cent of respondents report poor water quality, particularly residents of the frontline areas and cities, including Kyiv. UNICEF has ensured safe water and sanitation for 2,107,916 people this year, including 526,155 people newly reached in May.
- UNICEF provided mental health and psychosocial support to 15,278 girls, 13,041 boys and 12,694 women in May, including 491 children with disabilities through schools and other institutions. So far this year, 311,991 people have been reached.
- In May, UNICEF distributed medical supplies to health care facilities, benefiting 143,933 children and caregivers. Since the beginning of the year 456,541 people have been supported through the provision of supplies as well as mobile teams and home visits.