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Ukraine + 6 more

UNHCR Ukraine Fact Sheet, September 2024


Life-saving assistance: UNHCR delivers critical assistance to people living in frontline and war-affected areas where needs are most acute, and responds to new shocks and destruction of civilian homes and infrastructure.

Supporting IDPs in protracted displacement: UNHCR is providing protection services and humanitarian assistance to help socioeconomically or otherwise vulnerable IDPs, often residing in collective sites, to access rights, dignified accommodation and durable solutions.

Early recovery & durable solutions: UNHCR contributes to recovery and durable solutions through communitybased, psychosocial and legal protection programmes, adequate housing solutions and support to social services and infrastructure.


Housing Repairs: Over 30,000 homes damaged by the war have been repaired across the country by UNHCR and partners since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Winterization Response: To prevent further displacement and help people remain safe and warm in their homes, UNHCR has launched a comprehensive winter response plan as a part of a broader UN appeal. UNHCR will provide cash, repair / insulate homes before cold conditions arrive, and pay energy bills. Over the 2024-25 winter period, UNHCR will target 263,000 highly vulnerable households (approximately 550,000 people) for winter cash assistance.

Cash assistance remains the preferred modality of assistance for displaced and war-affected people. So far in 2024, UNHCR disbursed cash assistance to 261,960 people with specific vulnerabilities. Since March 2022, UNHCR has provided cash assistance to more than 2.1 million people in Ukraine.