The war in Ukraine triggered a major increase in humanitarian needs due the mass internal displacement within Ukraine as well as refugee outflows. By the end of November 2024, 6,253,700 refugees from Ukraine were recorded across Europe, with 6,167,100 registered for asylum, temporary protection or similar national protection schemes. As of the end of October 2024,
3.55 million people were displaced internally within Ukraine. According to UNHCR’s latest Lives on Hold report, the majority of refugees from Ukraine hosted in Europe⁸ have international protection status (88 per cent, most of whom are beneficiaries of temporary protection), with around a-tenth reporting other types of resident permit or visas as their current legal status in host countries. Among those with international protection status, around onefifth report plans to apply for other types of residence permit within the next twelve months, particularly those working or looking for work compared to those outside the labour force (24 vs. 8 per cent).