How to use this Report
This report has compiled and compared data from REACH’s Humanitarian Situation Monitoring (HSM) round 14, IOM’s Conditions of Return Assessment Factsheet - Round 6 the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) round 20 (Customer and Retailer Surveys), ACLED’s conflict data on Ukraine for November and December 2023 and finally information on partner presence (as of December 2023) provided by UN OCHA. The data covers either all, or part of the time-period November 1st to December 31st, 2023. This is the second round of comparisons with an earlier version (Ukrainian Crisis: Vulnerabilities, Needs and Conflict Incidents in Frontline Settlements) covering the time-period September – October 2023. However, the number of indicators has been expanded and adapted based on feedback and the previous round did not include UN OCHA data on partner presence. Therefore, the two rounds are not directly comparable.
An overall “Assessed Settlement Concerns, Needs, Vulnerabilities and Access Issues (CNVAI) Profile” has been calculated by Raion based on a number of different indicators drawn from the above sources. The table provided as Figure 1 is hyperlinked so that the reader can move to the relevant section of the Raion profile to view more detailed information in relation to that indicator. The reader can return to the CNVAI Table (Figure 1) at any time using the hyperlink in this document’s header.
To support analysis and understanding as to how these datasets/reports align or diverge, selected data has reformatted and presented as part of the Raion Profiles contained in this document. The main aim is to provide a succinct profile of the impact of the conflict and subsequent humanitarian needs at a raion level so that the main needs and drivers can be identified, and comparisons easily made. However, it is also important to note that findings from all datasets are indicative only at raion level, and when looking at HSM data, the profile of the raion is based on an amalgamation of profiles of each individual settlement.
As noted in the previous round the range of needs between settlements in the same raion can be quite significant. As shown in Figure 2, Pokrovskyi Raion has settlements spread across all 5 of the possible severity levels. In Khersonskyi Raion, access to basic services ranges from “the situation is under control “in some settlements to “most people are unable to access ” in others. Disruption to some utilities “is not at all/every few days” for some settlements compared to “most of the time every day/all of the time” for others.
Many analytical decisions were made as to what data was included, and, from that data, what findings to highlight in the summaries or include in comparison tables. It is hoped that this analysis gives a fair reflection of the main impacts, concerns and needs of populations living in the assessed settlements of the frontline raions presented. However, each individual dataset or report