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Ukraine + 5 more

Ukraine: UNHCR Operational Update, November 2019


On 12 and 13 November, UNHCR jointly with UNICEF facilitated a mission of the Ambassador of Japan to eastern Ukraine. In 2019, thanks to the Government of Japan, UNHCR implemented shelter repairs, distribution of non-food items (NFI) and ‘cash for protection’ for displaced and conflict-affected persons in eastern Ukraine.

In November, UNHCR and OCHA facilitated the transportation of two humanitarian convoys to Donetsk. In total, thirty-four trucks delivered NFIs and construction materials which will be used to repair shelters. These types of assistance will enable conflict-affected persons to address their most urgent humanitarian needs. See page 2.

In November, with support of UNHCR and the Council of Europe, four young Afghans from Kyiv and Odesa were selected to participate in a study trip in Strasbourg. UNHCR is grateful to the Embassy of France and the Council of Europe for facilitating their travels to Strasbourg.


24,148 Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other conflictaffected persons have received legal assistance from UNHCR partners in 2019.

839 IDPs and other conflict-affected persons have been selected to receive cash for protection through the individual protection assistance programme (IPA) in 2019.

1,643 Households in eastern Ukraine have benefited from UNHCR shelter assistance in 2019.