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Ukraine: Situation Report, November 2024 [EN/UK]



  • The humanitarian situation worsened from August to September due to intensified attacks in the north-east, east and south, resulting in increased humanitarian needs near the front line.
  • Government-led evacuation mandates expanded with support from national NGOs and humanitarian partners.
  • In the first 10 months of 2024, over 630 humanitarian organizations provided at least one form of assistance to 7.7 million people across Ukraine, including those affected by attacks and newly displaced people.
  • As winter deepens and humanitarian needs increase, aid workers stepped up efforts to provide winter-related assistance to over 144,000 people under the 2024-2025 Winter Response Plan.
  • The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan is currently 58 per cent funded out of the requested US$3.11 billion.



Escalating hostilities severely increased humanitarian needs along the front lines. Civilians still residing in front-line communities in Donetska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, Dnipropetrovska and Zaporizka oblasts are confronted with dire living conditions. These conditions are expected to deteriorate further as winter settles in.

Due to constant shelling and limited access to essential services, such as shops, pharmacies and banks, people close to the front line require shelter repairs, personal items, hygiene products, clean water and food.

Government-led evacuation mandates have expanded with the support of some national NGOs and humanitarian partners. Authorities in Donetska Oblast evacuated families with children from over 40 towns, significantly reducing Pokrovsk’s population from 70,000 to 16,000 due to escalating hostilities. In Sumska Oblast, increased strikes and attacks led to mandatory evacuation orders in more than 30 towns and villages. Evacuations also continued in Kharkivska and Khersonska oblasts.

For more information, download the Humanitarian Situation Overview Snapshot

HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE: January to October 2024

During the first 10 months of 2024, more than 630 humanitarian organizations provided at least one form of assistance to 7.7 million people across. To meet growing needs, compared with the previous month, in October, aid workers scaled up their support with health care (0.4 million people reached), water, sanitation and hygiene services (0.3 million people) as well as child protection (0.3 million) and protection support (0.1 million). Some 0.15 million people were reached with multi-purpose cash assistance, and 0.1 million people were provided with materials for emergency repairs and non-food supplies to meet energy needs. Aid workers also reached some 0.1 million people with mine action support, primarily mine risk education.

Prioritizing the most affected areas, humanitarians surpassed the original plans for assistance in front-line Sumska, Mykolaivska, Kharkivska and Chernihivska oblasts in the north-east, south and east. Despite challenging security conditions, humanitarians in Zaporizka, Donetska and Khersonska oblasts adapted the response to meet increased needs throughout 2024. Further from the front line, aid organizations also exceeded the assistance planned in several oblasts in the north-west and south-west of the country, including support to newly displaced people in Ivano-Frankivska and Rivnenska oblasts.

Between January and October, humanitarian actors delivered 39 inter-agency convoys to assist nearly 64,000 people in front-line communities in Donetska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, Mykolaivska and Zaporizka oblasts, where humanitarian access is limited. In October alone, six convoys, three of which were delivered to Mykolaivska Oblast, provided food, clean water, medicines, repair materials, hygiene supplies and other essential assistance. With winter increasing humanitarian needs, aid workers provided winter-related assistance to over 144,000 people under the 2024-2025 Winter Response Plan. Older people and people with disabilities accounted for 33 per cent and nine per cent of the people reached with winter support, respectively.

For more information, download the Humanitarian Response and Funding Snapshot (January - October 2024)


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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