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Ukraine: Shelter and NFI Sector Factsheet, September 2015


Cash for rent helps people to move out of Collective Centers

PCPM together with NGO Ukrainian Frontiers began a Cash for Rent program in May 2015, providing 542 persons in Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions with support to rent adequate accommodation. Numerous families have successfully been supported to move out of Collective Centers (Romashka) to resume their life outside and independently renting.


  • Looking ahead to 2016, in preparation of the Humanitarian Needs Overview the Shelter Cluster has already developed a comprehensive overview of different affected population groups, geographical areas, and particular humanitarian needs. This exercise will be completed once the population baseline is agreed at Inter-Cluster level.

  • Despite a positive evolution of humanitarian access in Donetsk with a few organizations now authorized to operate in NGCA, Shelter/NFI needs are still acute and winterization remains a serious concern.

  • While along the contact line and throughout five oblasts of the East numerous partners are advancing with shelter repairs, NFI distributions, and cash support, the level of assistance in other regions is scarce and is not sufficiently attracting attention of donors and humanitarian actors. In the mid- and long-term this imbalance may lead to a critical situation when IDPs may be forced to undertake further movements, seriously undermining their resilience and their coping capacity.