IOM NFI distributions have reached conflict-affected communities in Mykolaiv Region in the past week. In total, 713,000 NFIs have been distributed across 24 oblasts since 24 February or are expected to arrive soon.
Shelter and WASH repair works are ongoing in several collective centres. New technical assessments for repairs in collective centres will soon begin in Dnipro, Uzhhorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Vinnytsia.
IOM technical teams are coordinating closely with local authorities to assess the needs of the IDPs residing there, including for possible NFI support.
Between 19 May and 23 June 2022, IOM in collaboration with oblast authorities and local civil society organizations conducted a CCCM collective centre assessment across Dnipropetrovsk Region. A total of 273 sites, hosting 14,554 individuals and with capacity for over 30,000, were assessed. The assessment found that the main needs are beds, mattresses and blankets; kitchen equipment; washing/drying machines;
WASH repairs, and other site repairs. Findings have been shared with IOM partners and relevant clusters.
IOM distributed WASH NFIs and assessed IDP sites and collective centres in Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Vinnytsia regions for light repairs of water and sanitation infrastructure. IOM is engaging with representatives of ‘Vodokanal’ companies in Uzhhorod and Chernivtsi municipalities to explore possible support to water supply networks and wastewater treatment systems.
IOM’s case-based intervention structure is able to register 35,000 individuals and distribute USD 5 million per week, with capacities to double these values. Close to 75,000 beneficiaries have been supported with multi purpose cash support since February.
During the repoprting period, a total of 1,895 beneficiaries were reached by IOM health interventions in Lviv, Poltava, Sumy and Dnipro regions, receiving direct medical attention, psychological consultations or health awareness sessions. Capacity-building sessions on specific medical procedures were furthermore provided in Sumy and Lviv.
225 consultations were provided through IOM’s MHPSS Emotional Support Hotline in the during the reporting period, including 11 with an IOM psychiatrist. Operational since September 2020, the hotline has provided more than 3,500 consultations since 24 February.
Young IDPs and host community members are attending IOM’s Youth Summer School "Together to Success" with an aim to build their leadership capacities and sensitize them on human trafficking and other protection issues. In addition, 776 persons benefitted from IOM's general and specialized protection assistance in the past week,, bringing the total to close to 14,000.