The Local Responder Area Profile is designed to gather actionable, area-specific information about the needs, capacities, working methods, and preferences for international support of local non-governmental actors (LNGAs). The goal is to provide international organizations (IOs) with data that helps avoid duplication, enables direct support to LNGAs, and strengthens the alignment of international efforts with local systems on local terms. This assessment focuses on LNGAs working to assist vulnerable groups in the Odeskyi, Sumskyi, and Dniprovskyi raions. It aims to provide international humanitarian actors, such as the Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (GiHA WG), with valuable insights that will enhance their collaboration with local actors. The research explores the roles of local NGOs and authorities in these areas, identifying their barriers, capacities, and needs, particularly in relation to cooperation with international organizations. The research includes both quantitative data and qualitative data, which were obtained from different LNGAs.