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Ukraine Legislative Update: July 2021 [EN/UK]


Adopted Legislation

Exemptions from fines for entering/exiting GCA through unauthorized Entry-Exit Checkpoints (EECPs)

On 22 July 2021, the President signed Law #1583-IX1 on preventive and reactive measures to address the COVID-19 outbreak in Ukraine amending Law 530-IX2 . Details on its content can be found in UNHCR’s May and June Legislative Updates (see “draft law #5478). The law exempts citizens of Ukraine residing in nongovernment-controlled areas (NGCA) of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts from paying administrative fines for entering the government-controlled area (GCA) through border crossing points with the Russian Federation.
This exemption applies to individuals travelling for humanitarian reasons for the period of quarantine or during limited functionality of EECPs along the line of contact (LoC) in the east. The list of humanitarian grounds mirrors humanitarian exceptions for crossing the LoC in the east4 and includes serious illness or death of a family member, the need to access medications/health care treatment in GCA for serious/chronic illnesses, leaving NGCA with confirmed permanent residence in another country (except the Russian Federation), the need to apply for personal documents (including for minors who apply for IDs for the first time with one accompanying adult), inheritance related issues, attending educational institutions with one accompanying adult where relevant, family reunification, return to a permanent place of residence (this last one would be applicable one time only until the restrictions are lifted). The signed Law is expected to facilitate movement of people between GCA and NGCA while quarantine restrictions are in place. UNHCR welcomes this positive development and jointly with its partners will monitor its implementation, as well as raise awareness among travellers.